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03-06-2024 15:42
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 63
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Football » English » Simulator Development Feedback

This simulator is useless

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How come my team which is a good team is constantly loosing matches with teams which are scored with less points. Even when I am buying good players to improve performance I am loosing matches with weak teams. It is just unbelievable.
I am watching matches on this simulator and observing weird things: Play intelligence? There is no play intelligence whatsoever. There is also visible coincidence as far as playing football is concerned. Is there a good luck if a bad player scores? This is really weird.. In my humble opinion this simulator should be created again from scratch, not being upgraded from time to time to ' improve' things which do not really work as they should to show real game and allow logical game to win.

PS My team is in Div 2.3- England.

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Re: This simulator is useless

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Welcome to MZ where the unbelievable is really believable and nothing suprises anybody. Tiz a funny game MZ and your frustrations are not new .

Re: This simulator is useless

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Same problem and discuss the Romanian forum, there are many cases in which teams of high value teams lost their matches with very weak.
Mz is the opinion of many has become more commercial, who pays has the advantage.
MZ is starting to lose interest and will give many the game will look for other alternatives. (another type of manager)


Re: This simulator is useless

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Your comments here are useless. Try showing a better comparable simulator on the market or try counting the number of MZ users once again. It's strange how nobody complains that he's undeservingly winning against stronger teams. Reeeeally strange...

Re: This simulator is useless

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this simulator is useless
how is this possible that your team is dominated and losse with a equal value team, even if their best defender was eliminated in min 55?
my strikers are better then his straikers but still he manage to win.
this is crap and i will leave this game.

Re: This simulator is useless

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sometimes the best does not win, that's part of football

Απ: This simulator is useless

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simulator is awful everything is useless either you buy a player with 1000000 value or a player with 50000 they play the same i've been watchin 5 years now 3d and this one is the worse of all more fancy but useless SO RANDOM and the best of it is that they are still keeping it's the only sim that hasn't been changed for so many seasons they want to throw us out of the game 5 years now i used to pay yearly membership this years is the last one !I got tired !Stop saying things DO SOMETHING I members has to do things to show you that there is a problem i want write again if the sim doesn't change till my membership stops i want pay again anything on this game and leave the game!

Re: This simulator is useless

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I agree. I always, ALWAYS get scored at the last minutes of a game, no matter who I put on or what changes I do to my tactic. Even if it's just an online game, it's really annoying.

Re: This simulator is useless

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I am also very frustrated. No matter what tactics use, I lost every game that matter in tha last time in cups and leagues. whai is more annoying is that I lost with team which value were 1 or 2 millinons less than my team.
I am not talking about one game I am talking about all the games that mattered.

If nobody brings a valid argument I am done paying for this game.

Re: This simulator is useless

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thats nothing my tactic is 4-3-3 passing aggressive offensive if i am losing 0-3 at the 50min mark change to 6-2-2 defensive aggressive passing hehehehhe i was losing 4-1 50mins in and lost 8-1 you work it out

Re: This simulator is useless

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I agree worst sim ever! my team is worth miles more than any other in my league, last season i finished 4th and this season ive lost 4 games on the trot and a total of 6 games already! im second from bottom now! dont make sense! losing to rubbisher teams constantly! dont know how to stop it!

Managerzone is getting very boring now! too commercial! maybe because im not a member is why i am not playing well

Re: This simulator is useless

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2 ways to fix your problem 1: spend another few weeks looking for what you think are quality players
2 Change your tactics so that you win friendlies against your mates 5-0 10-0 11-0 25-0 .
3 Once you have done that sit back and watch your team lose to teams valued less than half of yours and watch that striker you just paid millions for do exactly the same as a 500 thousand dollar striker :) .And that my friend is the problem with the SIM it does not know the difference . Instead of making players do backflips when they score (from the most impossible spot and at the keepers near post ) they should be concentrating on making teams values count for something . As it stands now you can spend yrs buying and selling to get the players you want the same with tactics your teams value is 12million for the top 14 players and you have just been beaten by a team 6-0 at home by a team ranked 40 thousands spots below and worth 7 million
this just hasnt happened once you have just lost the 6th game in a row what makes it worse is that last season you finished 3rd in the same league and beat those same 6 teams easily .

Odg: This simulator is useless

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When you read this topic, you realise that this game is amazing. It seems that all players are always losing because the SIM is too random. :)
I cannot remember losing a game from a less valued team and I frequently win against even double valued teams. I always thought that I am good at this game but apparently, based on what I read here, this totally random SIM likes my team for some reason.
You are constantly writing here about how much your team value. That is a stupid argument. There is 22 players on the field each having 13 skills. Value doesn't mean anything if a player has a lousy distribution of skills or he is in the wrong position on the field or your opponent has found just the right countertactics for yours.
This game is complex. It has all the basic ingeredients of football but is also very much different (hello, this is an online manager). But the game has its own logic that skillful players are able to master. Now, keep trying and stop complaining.

Re: This simulator is useless

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i guess your the odd one out sasha maybe your just nost witnessing the same things other are . All im saying is you can change what ever you like players,tactics,training camps yep training camps how many time have you sent a player to training camp on;ly for him to not even train in the disiplines he seems to showing promise in. EG player 1 tackle 6 speed 5 pass 4 b/c 3 what do you think MZ training camp put him into ?? you would think defender training NO they put him in as a goal keeper 1 wasted t/c why bother and that player cant go again .Why bother changing a striker who continualy misses the simplest shots for another more expensive striker who supposedly has more P/I which should mean hes smarter ? nope it just means he does the same stupid things as the cheeper one . I ask you 1 more question for the past 3 season i havnt changed the team as in players except for youth coming in and out . My results in D2 has gone from bottom 5 to top 2 in 2 seasons no change to players or tactics .Now are you going to tell me 20 teams went backwards ? . Even this season how can you play 1 team at home lose 8-1 and play the same team the very next league game and draw 2-2 away again no changes to either team ? As i have said i have been playing this game for 4 yrs ive seen it all .

Re: This simulator is useless

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I am witnessing the same things as others are and maybe I really am the odd one. Sometimes being odd remains the only reasonable option left. But, I think that here we have a classical case where unsatisifed people are usually more louder than the satisfied ones so it always seems that there are more problems than there really are.
All you wrote here is just a list of events that you interpret as illogical but maybe it is also illogical to you when you see Messi miss a couple of shots that he missed against Arsenal 2 weeks ago. Heeeey, he's the best and most expensive player in the world with maximum in all attacking skills! How can he miss that!? There must be something seriously wrong with this world! ;)
And btw, read the rules where you will find "Play Intelligence: Players with high Play Intelligence skills are more likely to be in the right place at the right time, whether defending or attacking." So, PI hasn't got anything to do with whether a player will miss or score. This depends on his shooting skills, goalkeeper's keeping skills, these two guys' positions and, here comes the tricky part, these are only probability factors and the final outcome is eventually random so it goes either way. The good news is that these rules apply the same for both teams. ;)

Re: This simulator is useless

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Mesi misses 2 shots in 1 game amazing just remind me if you can how many has he scored ? i bet its a lot more than he has missed get real .And i also bet you if he was 1on1 with a goalkeeper he would score 8 out of 10 thats because hes an intelligent player . now if you had a player with attributes 8 sp, 7 stam,8 pi, 9 shoot, 7 bc you would think mm pretty good footballer ? right i have 1 of them and the amount of times he was 1 on 1 with a goalkeeper in yesterdays league game was 8 times with ZERO goals that my friend is rediculous and this occurs every game time after time get real mate stop the rediculous shots from almost midfield, and from the most rediculous angles stop the back flips and get the game right . players of high quality should be just that right now the game is a lucky dip and you or i have no idea what result i will get against the top team or bottom team.

Re: This simulator is useless

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jhndos, I agree with you. I`ve been playing this game since 1-1-07. In those 4 yrs. I`ve seen lot of 3D games. In one case I remember my striker backpassing from MIDFIELD and scoring into his own goal. It really should not be. There is no excuse for that. This simulator has lot of bugs that needs to be fixed or the whole thing overhauled....

Re: This simulator is useless

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i agree. it sucks!!!! i got screwed in my league and ended up in the play-offs and i've just been screwed in my 1st play-off game against some team that somehow put 4 past me? (even though i can regularly beat teams of twice the standard of them)
THIS IS WHY I HAVE STOPPED BUYING POWER TOKENS AND I WILL NOT BECOME A CLUB MEMBER. It means i cant play in any cups which is a shame but hey ho.

Uuesti: This simulator is useless

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Well, i bought a player for 725k's who has a play int 9, speed, stamina,shooting and ball control 8. 2 times badder forwarder gets more goals and more shots. In my opinion this f..... sim is letting noob players shot for more goals. Eveyone, buy noob players and soon you'll be in top league.

Re: This simulator is useless

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I agree with some of you, the sim needs and will always need much more work. But also think that they developed it quite a bit. I lose many games to weaker teams, but it is mostly not because of the sim. It is because of tactics. I can win more games setting the correct counter tactics against stronger teams.

Remember that speed and stamina do not count in the player value. So if you are always conceeding goals in the last minutes, opponents prolly have better stamina than yours, and u might want to train ur players on stamina.

YTC is useless after the very first season the youth joins ur club. All it does is show u 1 skill (the first one that comes up) that the player excells at. And even then he might max that skill at 6 balls. It doesnt mean its all bad, the player is just not that good.

Dont ever watch games in 3d, its a waste of ur time.

What annoys me most though, is in analyzer, the attackers still sometimes seem to back pass when they are one-on-one with the keeper, dont make sense, but it is less common than it used to be.

oh by the way, just because u paid 10 million for a player doesnt make him a superstar. u might have just wasted a few millions

Re: This simulator is useless

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and for tackling in 3d it's very bad ,it should be repaired

Re: This simulator is useless

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I joined MZ years ago.
Got fed up with the appalling sim so I left after 3/4 seasons. About two years later I rejoined thinking, i'd give it another chance, maybe they've improved things.

So I rejoined to find a better looking 3D play, customizable players, aerial passing skill, a new looking homepage, better badge and kit creators, more features for members and aload more asthetic and managerial changes.

And as soon as I played my first game I realised why I f******* left in the first place. Watching the football gameplay feels like my soul is dying.

The Crew need to get their priorities sorted out, years go by and almost no significant improvements are made to the sim all we get is these stupid add on features.
Sort out the basics !!!!!!!

Re: This simulator is useless

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obviously im not alone
after watching my team get relegated courtesy of a strikers back pass from him running into a

Re: This simulator is useless

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wheres the rest :)

Re: This simulator is useless

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you're a stupid crybaby. Your rival has a better team, so dont cry all over MZ, because it doesnt make any sense

Re: This simulator is useless

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no reply required for that one

Re: This simulator is useless

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Rodrigo: Try saying that again once you've heard of the horror stories of a team drawing against 7 players and the team that started playing better once the manager shuffled all of his players out of their natural position.

Re: This simulator is useless

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Crawl out from under your rock DF rodrigo

Sv: This simulator is useless

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The interesting part is to ask why the game has hundreds of thousands of users if the sim sucks? Is the sim itself not the most important part then? Perhaps the 3D view is more important.

As comparison, has the most advanced and fair simulation I have seen. The graphics is null though. They have way less users than here!

I guess there is different needs and enjoyments. I enjoy good graphics and think I will use this game as complement to fk (which I started playing a few weeks back).

Re: This simulator is useless

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3D is the most important, that's the reason why this game gets users. However, the sim used to be better and that's how MZ got so many people. Now however, there are a lot of managers quitting because of this god awful sim, which hasn't been touched for months although it was promised by patrick7777, MZ's CEO.

Other than that, I only know of hattrick, which has waaayyy more active users. However, that game doesn't appeal to me no matter how complex the tactic system is because it lacks a 3d where we can watch our players like MZ. I couldn't care less about graphics, if it had any sort of visualization of games, I'd go over there immediately.
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