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MZ = Worst Development Team

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I've been playing this game for the past 5 years and the team at Managerzone can't seem to ever take a step forward. Hire some real talent and spend some money for gods sake. The sim is always crap.
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Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Errrrrrrm surely it can't be THAT bad if you have been playing it for 5 years ?
I have only been in MZ for 18 months and it's seems to me a lot better now than when I started.
Yes there are problems and things that can be improved, nothing will ever be 100% right for 100% of the managers, but that is why thousands of us are beta testing new improvements now.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Would you care to elaborate and explain what it is that makes you think so? The simulator sure is not always crap by default but you must have some specific things you dislike? If so, please summarize it. Otherwise it will be hard for us to work on development in a way you like it to be. Use your chance of this test to have your say.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I would like to take this opportunity, to say erenge - you are an idiot. If the game was as bad as you are trying to make out, why is it continually growing? Engage your brain sprockets before your mouth.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Is MZ developed as fast and as well as i would like? No.
Has MZ significantly developed for the better in the years I have played it? Undoubtedly yes.

Just off the top of my head improvements include larger leagues with two league games a week instead of one, training camps, getting rid of good starting players so forcing people to train their players, free 3D, club memberships, player notes, livescores, expanaded national team schedules including offical under 21 teams, subsitutions. Even recently with a much reduced development staff we have had a new sim, tactic tester, instant matches and the extra 2 tactics.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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To be honest, even with the reduced staff they're putting a lot of effort and I think they're doing more now than ever before........

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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do they want money and work? so they must earn and develop :P
after all those 8-year impressive development i like better head badges, shoes, tattoos and, most of it, goal gestures :P for my lovely power tokens, of course... i'm really impressed :D

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Can't please all, I think! :(

What I don't understand is people making affirmations but not also the effort of providing at least some excuse of an argument for their "cause". So their endeavor is useless and can only be categorized as the result of a deep lack of brains.

Stevo, please apologize! It's still not a reason to call him names... :|

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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It's alright for him to insult MZ's employees though?

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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why are you still playing after 5 years if its crap? I've only been playing for about a year and already the sim+3D have both improved out of sight.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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It's never alright, Stevo, to lower yourself to some other guys' level... Not worth it! :D

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Yeah. Why are you still playing if the it is crap?

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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He's not really playing anymore, he keeps his team active in hopes i guess but back in 2006 he was NC and was somewhat happy with the sim because you got rewarded for being a good tactician. These days most teams play the same tactic day in and day out and even when you do spend hours looking for a good counter tactic you just get "simmed" most of the time...

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I think that some constructive criticism from all will go a long way in improving the SIM. I have only been playing for one season and a half and I enjoy it very much. In fact, its kind of addictive but a nice addiction. I like the way a lot of things are designed. For example the training field and training camp, and the player market are excellent but I do have to say that the SIM seems to be a bit quirky ! For example: I have noticed that when I play in my league (which I just won with a 21-1-0 record) the team plays really well and is basically what I would expect based on my players and the tactics I use BUT when I play other teams in Cups, Friendly Leagues, etc. my Team plays terrible. Now I understand that most of these Teams are better than mine having been around longer and thus having better players BUT it seems that when I play a Team that is in a higher division than mine, even if we have similar players or my players are slightly better, that my players suddenly play like they stayed up all night drinking and partying!! ( I am basing the quality of players on what is shown as their Value in their stats) They miss simple shots, can't dribble, stare at each other and at the ball while an opposing player comes by and takes the ball away. My 7 and 8 ball shooters shoot like they were 2 or 3 ballers, etc. etc. I think the players should be able to play at their level all the time regardless of the opponent instead of like superstars one day and clowns the next. That would be my complaint against the current SIM. Anyone else experience the same thing ??

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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ereng's is horrible and pretty much a loser!!!

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I agree a 100% with ereng this sim sucks. I played 3 games with a team and in all 3 games my possesion was 60% to 40% but somehow the other team one 6 - 0... What kind of stupid sim is this.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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The reason this game is growing is because of all the additional features like cups, playing real-people, training players, youth, national teams etc. All those things are great and amazing, but to me it seems like those things should be secondary compared to the SIM. As one fellow member mentioned in the forums, Manager Zone is a Financial Management Simulator and not a Football Simulator. Managing all the aspects of a team are great, EXCEPT the actual game part. So many teams in MZ play with a 3-2 or 3-3 defense, which real world team uses that? Look at the tactics of the top teams and tell me how many of them resemble the tactics used by the best real world teams? With this SIM, the tactics are a joke and the fact that so many results are random just adds to the frustration. I have been dominating two teams in the last 2 league games, but lost both by 2 goals. My international striker who was valued 1.5 times higher than both keepers could barely score, taking shot after shot after shot with all of them being saved. And yet the other teams who had much worse strikers against the same value keeper would score from distances between the legs, right down the middle and somehow right from the goalkick line once, which i'm guessing was because the player kicked it and it hit the keeper and went in.

Point is, all the features are amazing, but the SIM is terrible. The CREW should stop worrying about improving all the secondary features for a bit and focus on completely overhauling the SIM, because the tactical aspect of the SIM is bad and the randomness of results is bad. How can a team with better players dominate the other team in possession, shots, shots on goal, chances, passes and yet lose. It CAN happen once in a rare while, but have it happen almost 30-50% of the time with almost everybody? Unrealistic.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I agree in anymichlas. I have been in MZ for 6 yeasr. but the SIM become more and more "unpredictable". I am always in the unlucky side of the game. I am too often lost significantly with the same league team which maybe the team are slightly better but only slightly. I use the same tactic and in friendly, it can cope with better team but in the league I am always unlucky. If I lost with 1 or two goals difference maybe acceptable. but not 1-8 :(.

Ang: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Results like that is not acceptable. What has happened to the simulator. I experience theese kind of results too against equal teams....and the amount of goals is overall too is so annoying...give us some realistic results, let us see tactics work and make the goalkeeper better if he has 9 or 10 balls in the goalkeeper skils...

We are all looking forward to a new simulator !!!

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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andymichlas is right. All of you who say "well why does the game keep on growing then if the sim sucks so much?", you are being irrelevant to the topic. The sim is not what attracts new players. What attracts new players is the idea of multi-player, peer-to-peer competition, and transfers/player management. If you ask 10 relatively new MZ members, I guarantee you 9 of them don't even give half a rat's arse about tactics or the sim, they are only interested in buying/selling players (e.g. mohdfigo1). At the meantime, the older loyal members care about the results and they spend large amounts of time developing tactics, seeing them flourish in all those instant challenges, and then only to see them turn out completely useless in the actual game. I am speaking from personal experience -- many tokens wasted on those meaningless "instant challenges" with absolutely no consistency. I'll have an instant challenge when I dominate SCs 14-5, thinking I've found the perfect tactic to counter the opposition, then in the actual game the SCs are completely opposite? That smells like BS to me.

Also, the frequency with which the ridiculous "simmed" results occur is unbelievable... You take a look at the English Premier League in real life for example, upsets happen, but even then, the best teams (Chelsea, Man Utd) lose 4 games a season (out of 38 games), half which are usually to the other top teams. In MZ, a big team gets simmed by a rubbish team twice a week. Sometimes, when you watch the 3D live, it almost seems as if the result was pre-determined. One team scores, and then immediately after, players on that team start not passing the ball and losing it in their own half, resulting in the opposition taking a shot from 30 yards, which bounces off the keeper's hands and into the net. It's just ridiculous.

Check the recent Canada vs Andorra World Cup Qualification game if you want to see just HOW BAD a team can get "simmed". That result was simply unacceptable. Hell, even in real life, I don't see Andorra ever getting more than 1 point in any tournament qualification campaign, ever. Oh, check my last league game too while you are at it, absolutely "simmed".

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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whooohoooo finally someone else can see the stupidity of the sim i totaly agree with andymichlas & hope321 . I dont give a hoot about tattoos,gestures,hairstyles give me a sim that acknowledges the hard work most managers do in player buying,training ,tactics. I am sick to death of paying big money to find a striker that actually scores i dont expect goals galore but gimme a break NO striker in their right mind would run into an open goal and miss from point blank . A simple fix would be if the manager has been able to save money with improvements to the stadium and then able to buy the best players his money can buy he should be rewarded by atleast BEATING teams inferior to his in his league . Basically if a team of 11 players is valued at 12million that team should beat a team with 11 players valued at 8million 7 out of 10 times right now its a lottery i could play the same team in a friendly and win 7-0 only to lose to the same team 5-0 in league the very next day knowing that team used the same players and tatics in both games .

Απ: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I just want to say that hope321 is absolutely right.....

The sim is a total disgrace at this moment.....

I had the chance to feel it in my bones in the WORLD CUP campain as an NC and in my league on a week in week out basis....

The more experienced users in Greece quit one after another....

A quick example to stress out my case.....

week 11 and 12 in my league against the same team...

i played away and i won 5-2. 2 of his best (if not the best) players receive yellow cards and a ban for the next game in my stadium...

He just manages 11 players , he picks an 8 ball keeper he plays his normal goallie as a defender (the exact same system he just reverses fron normal to defensive) and he neats me 6 -3.....


i was THAT close to suck my whole team on Sunday evening....

If things do not improve till the end of the season i am just handing the National Team to the next manager and i retire....

Απ: MZ = Worst Development Team

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So good to see that no one of the game cares......

Well done boys .... Keep up the good work.....

(yes i am ironic)

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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its all very simple in this day and age as your team improves EG we all start with crap players we get rid of those players and buy obviously better players DOES MZ RECOGNISES THIS (no) WE build better stadiums to buy BETTER player DOES MZ SEE THAT TOO (no) does MZ understand that a striker will score 8 out of 10 times 1 on 1 with goal keeper ????? . And how in gods world can a team ranked 114000 beat a team ranked 20000 only in MZ world thats how . where having funny hair doos and tattoos where jumping up and down after scoring a goal from half pitch (not from point blank)counts .

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Everyone knows that the ranking system is inaccurate.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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well if everyone knows why put something thats irrellevant there ?? DO something fffn usefull .and if thats all you can to reply to why bother replying you either are in agreance or you have no counter argument to the points ihave put in here. Oh and please dont tell me its only a game WE all know that too .

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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My point does counter your argument. You said higher ranking should mean you win all the time. I pointed out that it is inaccurate as it gives lower division teams a "boost".

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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where do i say a higher ranking team should win all the time ? how does a team lower ranked beat a team 100000 rankings BELOW is what i said .And ontop of that 1 teams value is 9mill and the other 6 mill and the 9 mill team was at home and in form but still LOST mmm let me think for a sceond thats like malta beating brazil does that sound right to you ? you could say maybe 1 in a 1000 times MY point if you still dont get it is the GAME is to RAMDOMLY simmed . The game should simply be value = quality=skill your tactics would have to suit what players you have and those players values have to be taken into account not just simmed into irrelevance as they are now .

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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"The game should simply be value = quality=skill your tactics"

Sounds like a boring and predictable game to me.

Отн: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I'm playing the game from 4 years. I didn't seen any changes since 2006 ... I'm talking about major changes... so... the last change of the sim... im very dissapointed :( Teams that play from 1 year or 2 (they had no developed their first youths!!!) beat my like a fool... Sorry ManagerZone... I love you but in the last year the game turned into a crap. The results are for the hockey... doesnt matter what I say you know where are the problems... goodbye.

PP. Hope you next update will turn the players back to the game, because most of the top managers, the best known of all managerzone community had refused to play the game because of sim. Many players from my country are going to do the same thing. Sure i don't think the crew care about, not anymore....

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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obviously im not alone in my thoughts about the game SEE ABOVE
malta 1990 what else can i say would you rather spend hours finding the right players to fill positions on your team to a point of WELL this looks pretty damn good you go and play friendly after friend you think you get your tactics right you beat team from higher divisions you beat teams in your league you think you have got it right the season starts and by mid season you are on the bottom everything you try doesnt work you look at the teams above and realise HOW THE F*&K can that be my teams value is almost twice the value of the 3rd top team and he just beat you 3-2 and you think well i love this game and the way it works you think thats exciting ? Manchester Uniteds results are predictable too at least you know what your getting i know what 90% of managers would rather have and thats positive results from hrs and hrs of getting the right players and tactics .not being simmed to a point of everything you do is IRRELIVANT. I notice you are on top of your league i bet you $1000 you would be scratching your head if Marsa beat you by the way if i did play you in a friendly i wouldnt be suprised if i beat you BUT play you in a league game you SHOULD beat me 8 times out of 10 with the quality you have .

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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@cattleyard (Crew)

same players, same tactics, very different results... this sim is the worse ever. There are many old managers that once were on top leaving the game because of this crappy sim.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Hope they put more time on developing the sim,
just studying a proper single player PC manager game should give them a million ideas of how to develop the game

Anyways, dont expect this game or any other game to be like real life, but at least they could try and could definitely develop the sim, which i agree with you all, is the most important.

While big teams can pick a tactic and use it all season, smaller teams should be encouraged to challenge them by trying to find a tactic that counters the opponents.

That, with enough hours of work put into it could be the greatest achievment.
However, it is definitely way harder to achieve than upgrading the graphics, tattoo's and adding 2 extra tactic slots.

Crew should put at least a pro 2 men team on only this job, and tell us wait 1 year, we will wait for it...

Most of the experienced quit cause they saw no hope i bet
I gave up hopes on the sim long time ago, and a good sim, tactics etc. is the MAIN MAIN MAIN thing this game is missing

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I agree to a certain point with you volitonx .(against bigger teams ? this is the worry a bigger team doesnt mean a better team it just means you probably dont get simmed as much ) you can sit there for months working out a tactic (classic eg my last 2 friendlies same tactic same players against a top team player wise won the frist game 0-2 i asked the manager if he had used his main tactic and players he said he did he also said his team may just of had a bad day . I thought for a minute and agreed he probably had just 1 of those games . so when i played him the second time at home and lost 3-13 . Now this result is just plain rediculous a 15 goal turnaround in 1 game ????.
Also how can a team in 7th position beat the 2nd placed team in the league 11-0 but draw with the 3rd placed team 2-2 and he has 2 players sent off in the first 20 mins not only is that rediculous but it just wouldnt happen in a million real life games . My point again is it doesnt matter what tactic you try because what you think works perfectly in friendlies seriously may not work in league games and what players you think are perfect fit and should do the job will stand there look at the ball and do nothing . How many times have i seen my striker with 9 shoot 7 pi run into open goal whith just gk to beat and he cant get around him . I counted in the last league game 6 times ??? again bullshit it wouldnt matter if you had a 2miilion dollar striker he would still do it . All the crew have to do is make it OBVIOUS not possibles a striker of any quality would score 8 out of 10 times in that 1 scenario. not 1 out of 7 .

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Point, in my honst opinion, is that they need to focus their attention on some core issues. Its nice to have a new outfit of MZ or add new interesting features, but the main issue is improving the simulator.

Spend a large amount of money in it so you do not have to change it that often. Better to change it once, wich costs alot, then change it many times bit by bit, that tends to cost even more.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I think many users confuse 3D-simulator, I actually think that 3D is just to make the game more exciting, speaking of bugs, but I think they are in 3d and not the simulator, right?

Vs: MZ = Worst Development Team

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morning 1-1 visitor draw
possesion 37% - 63%
Shots 8/9 - 3/8

evening 8-1 home won
Possesion 71% - 29%
Shots 14/21 - 3/5

im 2x expensive than him and oppoment changed little bit tactic to evening match.

Bad Sim or mistake from oppoment?

I think bad Sim. =/ okey they are only friendlies but still.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Some matchs cannot be understood which one team get > 65% control ball and get the 20 times shoot and another only have 3 times shoot, but the result is 0:3.

I dont know which is the main~~

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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WOW!!!! The last comment comes almost a year after the thread began!!

And unsuprisingly (like most of the comments) , its completely of the topic!!

Heckk!! Look how much time it took me to get to the thread!

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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The only real answer to the thread is the first phrase in the 8th comment by "australiaftw"

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Why are you commenting on a dead thread ( I can rhyme :P !)
Last comment was 4 months ago til' Christmas (5 days to Christmas btw)

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I think the development team is working hard, and deserve some credit

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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´They are doing just fine, let´s cut them some slack guys, why are you still here in the first place? This game is awesome!! Crews are amazing and pretty handsome by the way!!´
I can´t understand the conformism of some users (don´t know why, but a lot of them are from england).
Looks like they own the game and need to defend it from foreign attacks.
Ever heard of constructive criticism?

Come on people...there´s no way for improvement while people keep kissing developer´s ass for some unknown reason!

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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There aren t posibilities to make batter the game if all of you support the developers and kiss the crews´asses. The people from argentina, paaraguay, uruguay, bolivia and chile are extremely discriminated.
We would be grateful if you would take us into consideration.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I joined MZ years ago.
Got fed up with the appalling sim so I left after 3/4 seasons. About two years later I rejoined thinking, i'd give it another chance, maybe they've improved things.

So I rejoined to find a better looking 3D play, customizable players, aerial passing skill, a new looking homepage, better badge and kit creators, more features for members and aload more asthetic and managerial changes.

And as soon as I played my first game I realised why I f******* left in the first place. Watching the football gameplay feels like my soul is dying.

The Crew need to get their priorities sorted out, years go by and almost no significant improvements are made to the sim all we get is these stupid add on features.
Sort out the basics !!!!!!!

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I actually think that Mz is taking a step into the future with the head to head game design. It's a slow process to be the best. I think when it's up and running it will blow other websites out of the water.

If the sim was 100% infallible we would have nothing to complain about, and that is part of the game!

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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lol, I can't believe this thread I started almost 2 years ago is still active. It really shows how active this part of the forum is.

Beantwortet: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Well because this threat says the truth.
No improvement. All Season break a sim change. And still it is only a change of tactics that works or not to make money with instant matches. And still no improvment and still a sim with mistakes.
It starts to suck!

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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I wonder what the the first few Brits think now.. ABSOLUTELY ZERO IMPROVEMENT over the course of this thread. Looks like the moron that called me an idiot already quit because he probably realized I was telling the truth. I just don't understand all these negative nancies on the forums that go against every single argument you make, whether or not you're right.

In my opinion, they just cancel out any complaint we try to send to crew. Every time a talented manager (ie: one, who bring up the parts of the game that are not functioning properly on the forums) makes an argument, a troll (ie: one, who is similar to el_stevo calling everybody names) will along come and immediately negate a proper argument with complete rubbish.

e = mc^2 and we're left with 0 improvement to the sim.

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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It took at least 5 years for them to rename 'Cross Balls' into something that actually mildly reflects what skill it is relating to...

Re: MZ = Worst Development Team

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Start thread 2009
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