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02-06-2024 23:50
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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Hockey » English » Questions & Answers

What skill impacts more during the faceoffs?

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I'm new to hockey so I've been checking on my game stats, but I can't see a consistent pattern. Sometimes the player who wins the most faceoffs has power as highest, other times puck control, other times it is passing, checking or shooting.

Does anyone know if it's a single skill thing or a sum of many?
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Re: What skill impacts more during the faceoffs?

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I think there's an understanding that it has to do with play intelligence, passing and puck control since those are the skills logically necessary for a face-off. There's a very high variance between face-off percentages from one match to the other, but ive found puck control and play-intelligence to play a role

Re: What skill impacts more during the faceoffs?

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Yeah, I think even crew have said that Puck Control is the main face-off skill.

What would be nice is being able to designate an assigned face off player in each line.

Currently the centre gets preference, but sometimes non-centres take them. I don't know why.
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