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Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Currently, almost all of the U18 WL teams have had nearly all of their 18 years old sent to TC this season. Very likely by using chips. 12th place, Átomo FC, did not sent a single player to TC, 11th place, MUSHIBA FC, sent only a single player, while 10th place, Carrapichel - FDFDF, sent half of his 18 years old. You get the picture. Either you spam chips or you won't be able to compete in the elite leagues and cups anymore. Honestly, I haven't checked all the other leagues and cups, because... Well, I am lazy.

Instead, to further investigate this statement, one stupid danish team decided to just spam chips on his players. Now, this ridiculous team is winning the U18 Northern Europe League by quite a margin - while ruining the fun for the rest of the teams. This mindless team was even undefeated until yesterday, where FC Hawaii stopped its tormenting of the league. Thank God.

U18 now feels like either pay-to-win or no-brain button clicking every fourth hour. And I do not want to participate in or support that. As the events have proofed to persist, Ingerslev will be leaving all U18 leagues and tournaments during the next two seasons - starting with the U18 WL from next season. I find it such a shame that the U18 format has been ruined by forced participation in these events, but I see the only way to protest this is by leaving U18 altogether.

Do anybody know whether the chip spamming is also a problem in the U21 and U23 leagues?

Lastly, I just want to quote this clearly self-absorbed user who wrote in the danish forum back when events and chips where introduced:

jesx wrote:
At det skaber lidt skævvridning - det må være en underdrivelse. Det er altså lidt at røvrende os der spiller U-bold og ikke ønsker at støtte et pay-to-win tiltag som det her. Jeg kan ikke være kompetitiv i U18 ligaen, hvis et andet hold vælger at både købe og fokusere alle sine chips på sit U18 hold. Det er meget tæt lige nu, så de her chips kan nemt ændre magtbalancen.

"That it creates a little distortion - it must be an understatement. It's a bit of robbing us who compete in youth leagues and cups and do not want to support a pay-to-win initiative like this. I cannot be competitive in the U18 league if another team chooses to both buy and focus all its chips on its U18 team. The teams are very even right now, so these chips can easily change the balance of power."

(Source: )
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Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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you can get all of the important chip you want if you are active during the events. If you dont want to be active during the events thats up to you. But yes it is easier if you just pay but it is not impossible to compete if you just are active.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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The avaiability of the chips isn't the issue here. The issue here is how managers are using those chips. If manager use them on players that have 0 maxed skills and wanna do roulette that their player will be best of em all without knowing any other maxing than what report tells them while doing good on U18 competition what can we others do about it.


But yeah I actualy care 0 about that cos i don't want to win those competitions anyway.. its kind of stupid to even to think any of original post maker competition thinks any different than i think cos they would have spend their tokens same way he did.

Its sad to realise that his competition doesn't care..

Worst thing is that he probably spent his tokens on players that did Max their initial skills on 7-8.. just to do well on U18 level ...

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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"Instead, to further investigate this statement, one stupid danish team decided to just spam chips on his players. Now, this ridiculous team is winning the U18 Northern Europe League by quite a margin - while ruining the fun for the rest of the teams. This mindless team was even undefeated until yesterday, where FC Hawaii stopped its tormenting of the league. Thank God."

WHY THIS MANAGER IS A STUPID? i cant hear again from anyone here PAY TO WIN! This is STUPID! Here its a company who needs profit to keep this game online for us and try to make it better with some upgrades! Why dont you make a game and have it free for everyone? because you cant do it! You must have profit from your product and you need people to run this game and they must paid! Why dont you leave your job and go to work free in managerzone for us? Do you like that?

WAKE UP even in facebook every game you play you can pay to take some advandange! You want managerzone to be free? NO WAY SIR! I believe that MZ must give more events to his customers and we are free not to pay or pay to have a small advandage because in other online games the advandages if you pay are huge! And in the future must make a store with more things to buy to have more profit like other online games!

I have a top team in u23 and i use 3-4 chips! chips gives faster good star players to our teams but this can do it everyone to his team like swaan1 said, if you are active enough you can have most of the chips!

You must understand that you write here why Manchester city and Pari saint germain spend so much money in real football and have stars and the small teams have very bad teams because they cant pay! So the user who pay the game have some advantages and if you dont want to pay you will not have so good players without the chips! This is life this is a game and as a MANAGER game you must take some desicions!

And in the end if you dont want to pay is your problem and here is a COMPANY not a charitable institution! But not because the other manager buy the chips like most teams do everybody we are idiots! i have plenty chips in my account and if i want to use them all together next season i am idiot? Again for last time WAKE UP and not attack to other users because probably you dont like the way i am talking to you now!

You can say anything you want polite and hear what other managers believe but everyone who loves this game knows that this is a COMPANY for 1000 times i will say this and must have PROFIT! Have a goodnight!

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Chips are an issue down here in div 2 too. You get the picture ;]

But yeah… the U18 scene is plagued with chips now. U18 felt more interesting without chips. Some "renowned" U18 managers agree with that point of view as well (Carrapichel himself, for example).

Two seasons ago, I actually wanted to start a thread/write some random post to hate on chips, but couldn't be arsed. I had this ongoing thought that chips took all the fun. And two seasons ago it wasn't as bad as it is today. I even managed to reach Top Series without chips and somehow finished 3rd in a league full of teams with perfect aliens disguised as managerzone player builds at their disposal. Such a thing feels more impossible than ever now.

On the flipside, as much as I hate chips, at the end of the day, everyone has to build a team from scratch, so it's still fair game, and I am willing to adapt. Ah, how I am. I politely want to tear everyone apart if you ask me. I mean, after my stint as a Top Series weirdo, I had an even better team ready for the following season and… I ended up losing more matches than ever in comparison to the previous season. That got on my nerves, so I decided to spam chips too. Got 11 motherfuckers ready for the next season. I'm not sure if it's gonna work and I honestly don't care if it doesn't. But if it does… taste vengeance!

As for the pay-to-win aspect, there isn't much to do about that. I'm more annoyed at the chips than at the fact that you need to spend money to get them. lol. All in all, your decision of not playing U18 makes sense. Congrats for the Northern trophy anyway.

Ang: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Isn't it a bit weird that you have to not only pay to participate but also to be competitive. Why not keep it more simple. Less extra payments. I get that you have to pay somewhere along the line, but we already have memberships and payments to play in youth leagues and what not. Now this event too, when is it enough to be competitive? It seems like they are slowly introducing extra extra payments, so people won't notice. Pay to win is not a competitive set up. It doesn't require more managing (or at least it requires a minimum of extra management), it (mainly) just requires more money. So what does it mean for the quality of the game? It doesn't improve the game (in any way that we know of), so why pay for it? I bet at least 90% of those who participate do it because they have to, not because they really want to. Bold statement, I know. Maybe the first og second time of this event, some people were interested, but it's so boring now.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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profet wrote:
Isn't it a bit weird that you have to not only pay to participate but also to be competitive. Why not keep it more simple. Less extra payments. I get that you have to pay somewhere along the line, but we already have memberships and payments to play in youth leagues and what not. Now this event too, when is it enough to be competitive? It seems like they are slowly introducing extra extra payments, so people won't notice. Pay to win is not a competitive set up. It doesn't require more managing (or at least it requires a minimum of extra management), it (mainly) just requires more money. So what does it mean for the quality of the game? It doesn't improve the game (in any way that we know of), so why pay for it? I bet at least 90% of those who participate do it because they have to, not because they really want to. Bold statement, I know. Maybe the first og second time of this event, some people were interested, but it's so boring now.

Powerchallange have lost money to run managerzone for a few years. (you can google it if you don't belive me) If they can't make profit/ +-0 the game will die. To have an event that make some people get a very slight advantage (even with no money you can still get most of the important chips), But i think of the paying players do it to save some time. Personaly i think it is a small fee to keep the game alive!

If you won't pay anything then be happy others pay so you can still enjoy the game that still is pretty fair even if you don't
pay anything.

Odp: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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I agree with what douglas and others criticizing chips said here. Previously U18 was mainly about how well you can manage your youths and tranining camps, but now seasons are decided by who spent more chips on current 18y olds. Everyone can make great team if he chips spam enough. Is it good? I don't think so. Maybe expire date on chips would make more sense?

I understand that MZ is not in a good condition and owners need a way to make money but introducing unfair boost like chips may be more harmful in long term. I think more people are tired of spamming 3 buttons for 10 days and/or spending money than happy that something new was introduced.

@jesx - I have no idea how you can call someone 'stupid' for using in game features ??

Sv: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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swaan1 wrote:
Powerchallange have lost money to run managerzone for a few years. (you can google it if you don't belive me) If they can't make profit/ +-0 the game will die. To have an event that make some people get a very slight advantage (even with no money you can still get most of the important chips), But i think of the paying players do it to save some time. Personaly i think it is a small fee to keep the game alive!

If you won't pay anything then be happy others pay so you can still enjoy the game that still is pretty fair even if you don't
pay anything.

Well said, most people probably do not think that MZ can actually be shut down.

Ang: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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I think I have to clarify that the user I'm calling stupid.... (and yes, @Jere92, this user did indeed use chips on many untalented maxed players..) Erhm.. Well. It's myself... Sorry about the confusion. Bad attempt at some Danish humor there.

@Douglaskampl - Ahh, yes, I think I've heard about this 2 div team causing problems, haha. And thank you.

@Profet / Kostrzak16 - I completely agree.

@Maradona1960 / @Swaan1 - You know who owns Managerzone? It is capital and pension funds. I'm afraid they'll dry out this game of everything we pay until we don't. Then they'll sell it. I mean fair game if they are actually losing money, but its difficult to know with the current company structure. I have not bought the yearly financial reports, so I might be wrong here, of course.
I am very critical of this "Managerzone must make money, so it's okay the game gets a lot of pay-to-win (or pay-to-not-loose-time, whatever man) features". We won't grow with all these micro-payments and events, as I suspect these "features" drive new users away in exchange for short-term profit. This game is here to provide us with fun and challenges. Then you can say all you want about profits for MZ, but not many in the long term are willing to pay for a game that is not fun and fair, and not many new users will join it. We have to guard this core of fair play and be vocal when we see it being damaged.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Football as any other competitive sport, is all about leverage. You do whatever you can (of course respecting the legal boundaries and fairness in the sport) to acquire the best possible result.
That applies to every player and every team in every sport. It’s common sense if you ask me… If you have tools that your rivals doesn't have or doesn't want to use, then you achieved a competitive advantage that may or may not result in a better outcome. Most probable yes, because as in life, sports are businesses’. And if you reach the top of the mountain (in these case the u18 top teams), you just can't blame them for taking every tool at disposal to acquire or maintain that leverage.

As far as I’m concerned, if you are not breaking the rules, you are free to put all the eggs in one basket. Just find a playing or management style that suits your gaming objectives. It’s all about being tactical and methodical.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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I know the game needs to make money but the use of the chips ara creating a gap in U18 category that makes impossible to reach if you do not spend more cash to get chips. I think the way people are using it needs to be reviewed.

Odp: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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We should think together about how to introduce fees for MZ so that the costs are shared among everyone, MZ was in plus and no one was harmed, as is the case with chips now.

I would suggest that an experienced forum user with a good command of English should open such a topic. And no - it's not a joke. My point is to spread the cost of maintenance and profit for a Crew evenly across _everyone_.

Chips spoil the balance between players and that can't be the case, and I say this even though I already have almost all of them.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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doug7887 wrote:
I know the game needs to make money but the use of the chips ara creating a gap in U18 category that makes impossible to reach if you do not spend more cash to get chips. I think the way people are using it needs to be reviewed.

you are wrong sir, if you are active then you can just play it for free and get all the Efficiency chip ,Availability chip and Time saver chip without paying for it. do the maths for it and you will see it is possible. You can't get all the freebechip but they dosent give any real advantage to the competive scene for u18 players. IF some people wants to save a few event to max out one full generation i think they have the rights to do so. If you dont want to spend your chips on your u18 players becouse not all of the chipped one will be sellable, thats something for each manager to decide. But if some danish manager wants to chip 100% of his youth players to make the best u18 team he can even if he will gain very little profit after u18 i think thats just a very cool and agressive straegy.

jesx wrote:

You are correct that you get advantages from payin in mz, But the question is HOW MUCH? If you check in many mobil games it is IMPOSSIBLE to compete vs someone that pays if you want to be competetive If you check how mz works it is not the case. More money is not equal to win all the games.

In In a chip event you will get some extra money compared from paying to a player who is active and claim as much as possible. the free chips is a nice to have but not game breaking. Personaly i think the gain of what you get from paying in a chipevent is fairly low and almost neglectable. I would argue that not beeing able to use the transfer if you are not KM is a bigger downside to a team then not paying for an event.

But as stated before to make and run a game like this you need money from somewhere. If you check the "profits" managerzone makes you will see it is very low Or on the negative side.
Even a small random indie company that makes phone games make loads more then managerzone And since the model has been more or less the same since the start it is pretty obvious to me that the persons that run the company try to make a game that people enjoy not to be as profitable as possible.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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doug7887 wrote:
I know the game needs to make money but the use of the chips ara creating a gap in U18 category that makes impossible to reach if you do not spend more cash to get chips. I think the way people are using it needs to be reviewed.

That gap is not that far if you recognize that the sim has a high degree of randomness. You can beat anyone in any given day if the SIM decides to grant it. Even if your players and tactics aren't as good as your rival.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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nonpler wrote:
We should think together about how to introduce fees for MZ so that the costs are shared among everyone, MZ was in plus and no one was harmed, as is the case with chips now.

Socialist detected. You really want to waste your time saying that nonesese? wow

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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swaan1 wrote:
you are wrong sir, if you are active then you can just play it for free and get all the Efficiency chip ,Availability chip and Time saver chip without paying for it. do the maths for it and you will see it is possible. You can't get all the freebechip but they dosent give any real advantage to the competive scene for u18 players. IF some people wants to save a few event to max out one full generation i think they have the rights to do so. If you dont want to spend your chips on your u18 players becouse not all of the chipped one will be sellable, thats something for each manager to decide. But if some danish manager wants to chip 100% of his youth players to make the best u18 team he can even if he will gain very little profit after u18 i think thats just a very cool and agressive straegy.

I agree!!

Odp: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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mauro16 wrote:
Socialist detected. You really want to waste your time saying that nonesese? wow

Probably you don't understand this term. So let yourself be initiated... Socialists are people who think they should have this game for free. I'm saying that everyone sohuld bear part of the cost of running the MZ. Equality in bearing costs, while the word "equality" appears here, does not mean the same as "equality" in communism. Got it?

Odp: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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mauro16 wrote:
I agree!!

ok it's alright but please tell me what do you agree with? What do you, guys, mean by "to be active".

As we know, we must be logged in every 4 hours. What about sleep, work and other things? Logging in every 4 hours is not about being active, but living by the clock for ten days.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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nonpler wrote:
ok it's alright but please tell me what do you agree with? What do you, guys, mean by "to be active".

As we know, we must be logged in every 4 hours. What about sleep, work and other things? Logging in every 4 hours is not about being active, but living by the clock for ten days.

Claim when you get up from bed, set a 4 hours timer on your phone and claim, repeat untill you go to bed, Repeat again each day the event is up. Total amount of time per day spent on this will be around 10min total.

Odp: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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swaan1 wrote:
Claim when you get up from bed, set a 4 hours timer on your phone and claim, repeat untill you go to bed, Repeat again each day the event is up. Total amount of time per day spent on this will be around 10min total.

I bought the tickets on the first day and I'm done with it. Now sometimes I take the free ones to get free matches.

I also think that the cost of the game is too high, and if everyone paid for themselves it was much cheaper.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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nonpler wrote:
Probably you don't understand this term. So let yourself be initiated... Socialists are people who think they should have this game for free. I'm saying that everyone sohuld bear part of the cost of running the MZ. Equality in bearing costs, while the word "equality" appears here, does not mean the same as "equality" in communism. Got it?

Believe me, I do understand. You are making the statement that everyone should pay at least a fee. That in the first place is not making the game free to play for those who don't want to pay.

Or if your statement is to make "some" users pay for the club membership of the rest then there would be no motivation for them for paying while others are having it for free. How you decide who pays and who receives the benefit?

Do you realize it's nonesense right?

please stick to this forum topic.

Odp: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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I actually think that chips are unnecessary (I would rather see other adjustments to the game) but the events and chips itself are not as bad as people make them…

Realistically you don’t have to pay for them if you don’t want to. It’s possible to gather 9-10 for free each event. If you want to maximise the effect then you probably have to pay, but as I have counted (500 tickets x3 = 240 tokens ~ 25€ a year/2€ a month, is it that bad?)

The rest is up to a strategy, because you may use them however you want. If you decided it’s better on 19-23 years old players then it’s your choice. Somebody else will use them on youths…and it’s up to them.

I completly agree with mauro16 here. Chips are not winning you titles alone, you still need to manage your tactics and most importantly you need a little bit of help from SIM :)

And honestly if you don’t want to participate...then don’t.
It maybe takes up to 30 minutes maximum per event to gain all the needed chips (easily done on phone, you just need a simple alarm every 4 hours). In your opinion you may be wasting your time, in mine you’re wasting an opportunity ;)

Odp: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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mauro16 wrote:
Believe me, I do understand. You are making the statement that everyone should pay at least a fee. That in the first place is not making the game free to play for those who don't want to pay.

Because this game shouldn't be for free. Yeah i know some ppl don't want to pay, some ppl don't want to pay for anything. They have a grudge against those who pay even in the form of chips and keep the game alive.

I think that I am not really talking about anything other than the topic. Among other things, I'm talking about chips.

But please note that I mean not a great common tax that anyone could bear. This is the way to go.

Ang: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Managerzone has every right to make money off the game however this approach is wrong. It is to some degree pay to win in u18 and the other categories to a lesser degree as ingame money will take over during u21, u23 and senior.

If managerzone wants to make more money because the game does´nt make enough to stay alive. They should either up the Club Members prices or introduce something that does´nt require clicking a bunch of times and having to spend money to minimize the clicking and time spend.

These events are simply wrong. Managerzone should do something else that does´nt upset the gameplay to make money!

Ant: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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May be you can make the U18 authentic again, to simply erase the ability to use chips on U18. U18 is about managing, not about money, not about chips, it's really everybody starts at the same spot. Maybe that's why people are complaining? Some managers just want to play from scratch and compete with other managers that started the same way.

If you make it impossible to use chips at youth players. You don't get a disbalance of the U18 leagues. You don't have the chips used on 'stupid players with no talents' and you can still create some beasts for U21 and U23. Could that be a possibility?

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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I think it have two sides: the gain an the loss. I am playing U18 as Club Member in a long time ago, I like this because U18 is only for managing and strategy, in this time I goes to second place in U18 season cup, 2 times third, whit a good performance in other cups, it was fun for me. But after the U18 customization my team get down a lot and never more go to final in a official cup, i was sad with this and stop my club member. Now it is more hard with the chips too.

The U18 is a place for equality and intelligence, good for new players fight with the pro's spending less game time, kill this is good for one side, but bad for others.

Ang: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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There is a lot of talk about it being a necessity to have something like chip-events to preserve the game. I don’t think that this kind of interruption of the game will help revenue in the long run.
Why not chips, so we can preserve the game? I think most serious managers in here already pay to some extent, the rest have to be encouraged to keep playing to get on board. This chip event does not encourage you to stay here. It marks a shift in the way we use this game. From cherishing tactical ability, to cherishing the amount of times you do micro transactions or log in to press a mindless bottom, to stay competitive – which to me at least, takes away the joy of participating.
The chip event probably won’t bring new members to the game. Money-wise, I would argue that it would be better to focus on gaining new members instead of quick fixes like this. Making sure that newcomers stay, would generate a healthier business in the long run compared to milking those who are already here until they leave. Even nonpaying managers generate income through the advertising on the site. Once people play, it’s only a matter of time when they’re investing real money into their teams. Even I have done it.
I publish my complaints and worries now, because I fear that if we voice this later, it will be too late to fix things (For U18, it seems too late already). I know it could be worse, that’s why we talk now; to prevent it from getting out of hand. Who would like more in-game micro-payments to have the same effect (as it has on U18) on the other parts of the game? Anyone? If you want that, okay, I rest my case. We would simply just have different visions for the game. If not, then I’m open to find other solutions that doesn’t make the game pay-to-win or scare off newcomers to the game.
Talking about how it is worse in other games doesn’t make the chip event a good idea or a game saving feature. I sincerely think that there are other better ways of making revenue to continue the beautiful game.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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profet wrote:
There is a lot of talk about it being a necessity to have something like chip-events to preserve the game. I don’t think that this kind of interruption of the game will help revenue in the long run.
Why not chips, so we can preserve the game? I think most serious managers in here already pay to some extent, the rest have to be encouraged to keep playing to get on board. This chip event does not encourage you to stay here. It marks a shift in the way we use this game. From cherishing tactical ability, to cherishing the amount of times you do micro transactions or log in to press a mindless bottom, to stay competitive – which to me at least, takes away the joy of participating.
The chip event probably won’t bring new members to the game. Money-wise, I would argue that it would be better to focus on gaining new members instead of quick fixes like this. Making sure that newcomers stay, would generate a healthier business in the long run compared to milking those who are already here until they leave. Even nonpaying managers generate income through the advertising on the site. Once people play, it’s only a matter of time when they’re investing real money into their teams. Even I have done it.
I publish my complaints and worries now, because I fear that if we voice this later, it will be too late to fix things (For U18, it seems too late already). I know it could be worse, that’s why we talk now; to prevent it from getting out of hand. Who would like more in-game micro-payments to have the same effect (as it has on U18) on the other parts of the game? Anyone? If you want that, okay, I rest my case. We would simply just have different visions for the game. If not, then I’m open to find other solutions that doesn’t make the game pay-to-win or scare off newcomers to the game.
Talking about how it is worse in other games doesn’t make the chip event a good idea or a game saving feature. I sincerely think that there are other better ways of making revenue to continue the beautiful game.

any tips for this game to gain more new members ? this game is pretty nische with the slow game speed, it takes months/years to build your team, in a few months most of the new games dies.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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b2ooba wrote:
May be you can make the U18 authentic again, to simply erase the ability to use chips on U18. U18 is about managing, not about money, not about chips, it's really everybody starts at the same spot. Maybe that's why people are complaining? Some managers just want to play from scratch and compete with other managers that started the same way.

If you make it impossible to use chips at youth players. You don't get a disbalance of the U18 leagues. You don't have the chips used on 'stupid players with no talents' and you can still create some beasts for U21 and U23. Could that be a possibility?

I love your idea. I'm not sure if it's possible, but it looks like a good approach to tackle (or soften) the issue.

Odp: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Honestly I’m not sure if chips should be removed from U-18 at all. Like I said previously I am not the biggest fan of them, but at the same time you have multiple ways of using chips and it’s part of a strategy.

It was mentioned earlier that most of them you can get for free and the rest is down to your gameplan. In theory if you decided to use them on 19-23 years old players, you gained *an advantage* there.

I think that the most punished teams (with events and chips) are the ones that play competively at U18, U21, U23 and senior level… then it’s your own decision whats the most optimal way for you gameplan.

People should be allowed to use chips however they want.
Some may be able to save some money, the others will make more money thanks to them and the rest may decide it’s better to use them on 16-yrs old youths with great U18 potential.

If I were to limit/remove the chips from U18, I would remove them at all. But that requires to find an optional way of increasing income ;)

Sv: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Personally I view chips as a welcome evolution regarding training players. They add the oppurtunity to really specialize in one area or they can be flexible and allow you to train parts of your squad as needed. I get OPs frustration to some extent though. Banning use of chips on youth players...not so much. One of my biggest issues with the game is the "fact" that most players get good enough when they are relatively old (26-27+). The chips allow you to get a player ready way earlier if u start using them on young players. Having a player ready for top league football at the age of 24 appeals to me.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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I like putting an expiry on all chips earned.You have one whole season (90 days) to use the chip from when you get it.

Sv: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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chucky06 wrote:
I like putting an expiry on all chips earned.You have one whole season (90 days) to use the chip from when you get it.

Yeah, an expiery date would be awsome. A bit lame if u dont have any use for them that particular season, but how often does that happen 🤷🏼‍♂️

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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chucky06 wrote:
I like putting an expiry on all chips earned.You have one whole season (90 days) to use the chip from when you get it.

So managers who sell out their teams because they dont have time to play or they want a break from the game but they want to help the game and buy these chips with more money dont do it because they cant use the chips!

Managers who dont have good youth players or senior players and try to build a team more slow not buy these chips because they cant use them in this season because they dont have good players to use them!

I just tell you why this cant happen because the company put this event to win more money and try to make some good updates and managerzone is a strategy game that you must make desicions!

You can spend all the chips that you have collect 10 seasons now in 1 season or you can use it every season, every manager must take his road to the top and try the best for his team!

My opinion leave it like this or better add some more chips so you will win and more money if some people wants to buy them all!
Hope for the future more events and different events!

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Should we also put expiry date on camp exchanges ect ect?

Even if some decides to save these and use them 3 season in a row to 23 U18 youths to make super hyper team it will only last 1 season. Then they are in starting point. If multiple managers decide to do this the same season the competition is equal.

Should we also restrict that age groups should be same for all? Divide them evenly or every manager gets youths every three seasons so all of us have even playground?

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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swaan1 wrote:
Powerchallange have lost money to run managerzone for a few years. (you can google it if you don't belive me) If they can't make profit/ +-0 the game will die. To have an event that make some people get a very slight advantage (even with no money you can still get most of the important chips), But i think of the paying players do it to save some time. Personaly i think it is a small fee to keep the game alive!

If you won't pay anything then be happy others pay so you can still enjoy the game that still is pretty fair even if you don't
pay anything.

It’s sad to know that, I hope that the company returns to profit with ManagerZone and that the game does not end. I love this game!

Odp: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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jere92 wrote:

Even if some decides to save these and use them 3 season in a row to 23 U18 youths to make super hyper team it will only last 1 season. Then they are in starting point. If multiple managers decide to do this the same season the competition is equal.

It helps "lazy" managers more. No need to think how to plan training camps when you have 23 x U18 or/and multiple availability chips. Teams that tries to be competitive every season will always be a bit behind. Expire date on chips would solve this.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Im behind anyways cos i don't see any value to use these chips into U18 players that don't have their true potential shown anyway. Even tho players are 4 stars and all they can be useless in anything between is shown in report. Some managers decide to use these chips into void and short time success in U18 leagues, I value players that I know Will Make national team and my senior team better. Decisions decisions.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Players I have used My chips in, travassos is starting to be dissapointemnt..

Onni Nurmi

Age: 33

Tomáš Lamačka

Age: 32

Taavetti Vihervä

Age: 31

Noel Travassos

Age: 30

Jari Alenius

Age: 31

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Hi guys, where is it possible to buy chips?

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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At the end of seasons we get events where you can obtain these training chips by participating.

Ang: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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Great to see the discussion here! I just want to post a quick status update on my season.

My chips-spammed team managed to win the U18 Champions Cup, which is quite the achievement. You can see the winning team here:

The U18 top11 value compared to my other seasons was, not surprisingly, a record. The chips have made quite the difference.
I won't comment on whether this is good or bad - you know my opinion.

I participated in the last event without using timers. I was quite active nevertheless and managed to get 1086 shields, equivalent to ~5 chips. That took quite the effort, honestly. I know Profet used timers for all the days except one and he managed to get 1632 shields, equivalent to ~6-7 chips. Without having done the calculations, it seems rather impossible to get all of the chips for free (maybe if you do not sleep for eight hours..). But I would love to hear from someone who managed to do it.
Another discussion is of course whether you can stay competitive with this amount of chips and that might be the case. But you do lose a bit of edge to the paying teams, it seems.

Re: Chips spamming by the top U18 teams

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I've said this for some time now but senior league has lost all of it's prestige in this game over time and it's sad. The majority of managers don't care about running a senior team at all anymore.

Youth leagues are everything and that's where the money is for managerzone. They caused their own problem by giving to little attention to it. Giving the same rewards for winning Uxx cups and senior Cups and not managing the situation better in the early stages. It's here now though and I don't think there's much you can do.

I like a limit to how many chips a team can use per season or any expiry on all chips. At the end of the day though its fair for everyone. You too can use all your chips on U18 players too if you want, a non paying player just might only be able to do it every few seasons though bit its still just as effective
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