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14-05-2024 21:41
Season 90 · Week 7 · Day 43
Online: 5 757


Football » English » ManagerZone talk

How to improve the game:

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Creating this thread for genuinely constructive feedback for crew! I’ll kick off with 3 suggestions:

1. Official Cups based on country grouping (no. of active users). Similar to the foreign player count rule, playing vs like for like would create a cup format that teams from smaller nations could take an interest in.

2. An Official Cup with a home grown only rule. This would in effect benefit teams that have a strong youth or home grown bias. Benefit to this would be a reason for teams to develop players/ improve the national side.

3. Sort out the wing attack tactic’s over the top benefit. I’d suggest it’s almost a bug how effective it is to lineup with a decent winger and a player who can head. Personally I think it makes the game cripplingly dull to guess counter on it. I’d argue it also weirdly seems to have a negative impact on shot/ goal conversion for the opponent too which doesn’t seem right!

That’s my ten pence, Conscious 3. could sound like a moan! (Not my intention). Be interested to see any other ideas knocking about - never know, may make the roadmap 👌😉
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