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19-05-2024 04:37
Season 90 · Week 7 · Day 48
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Football » English » ManagerZone talk

Your MZ Knowledge Thread

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Hello all,

I used to play MZ a lot under another username. I was the NCA (or NC - don't recall) of the UAE, I contributed to the zone as an RA, I loved the bessie and the MZ community. I'd appreciate it if the FA's would keep this in MZ talk rather than Q and A's because this is more about a discussion and debate rather than getting an answer from the game's manual.

I see that there are some pinned links and they are really helpful. However what I wanted to do was to start a thread that would show the diversity of opinions that exist but also to see how successful users act. I've compiled a list that I hope you would answer regardless of how long you've played.

Top three most important attributes (excluding speed and stamina) for a:

Most important line of advice for someone who has been playing:
A week
A year

Minimum youth academy numbers?
How do you train your youth?
How do you train your seniors?
Is Club membership worth it?
What would make club membership worth it?
Most important lesson you've learned playing MZ:
Do you watch all of your "important" games on 2d or 3d?
What is the most important question that I've missed and what is your answer to that question?
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Re: Your MZ Knowledge Thread

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Top three most important attributes (excluding speed and stamina) for a:
Keeper - Keeping, Stamina, Arial passing
defender - Tackling, PI, Ariel passing
Midfielder - Tackling, PI, Passing
Striker - Shooting, PI, Ball Control

Most important line of advice for someone who has been playing:
A week - This game required patience, the rewards are not immediate so be patient.
A year - Be active in the MZ community!

Minimum youth academy numbers? 5

How do you train your youth? No training camps, emphasis on Speed, Stamina, PI and one core skill (tackling, shooting, keeping)

How do you train your seniors? Same as above but less emphasis on a core skill

Is Club membership worth it? Yes, I think so.

What would make club membership worth it? n/a

Most important lesson you've learned playing MZ: Patience is everything.

Do you watch all of your "important" games on 2d or 3d? Yes, 2d for league games.

What is the most important question that I've missed and what is your answer to that question?

How do you choose players for your tactics? - It depends on your opponent that you're playing and it depends on the types of players you have. It's a complicated question.
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