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[GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Hi everybody the idea of this thread is to try and clarify a very common question you see in forums and GB´s, hope this info helps on how to set a hockey tactic. This data has been gather from many threads and posts so you can find all you need in one place.

What you first need to know to set a tactic is the basic skills for your players

Main Skill: Keeping
Secondary Skills: Stamina, Play Intelligence
Additional Skills: Quickness, Passing, Puck Control

Main Skills: Power, Checking
Secondary Skills: Stamina, Skating, Quickness
Additional Skills: Shooting, Puck Control, Play Intelligence

Main Skills: Power, Shooting
Secondary Skills: Stamina, Skating, Quickness
Additional Skills: Checking, Puck Control, Play Intelligence

Main Skills: Power, Shooting, Checking
Secondary Skills: Stamina, Skating, Quickness, Puck Control
Additional Skills: Play Intelligence, Passing

Tactic Formations:
In hockey you can play with different formations (Lines 1,2,3,4), it will all depend on the amount of players you have and also the ratio of stamina your player have. The more pucks in stamina the more time your player will be able to stay on ice.

Minimum: 10+1 (10 ice players + 1 keeper) (not recommended)
Intermediate: 15+1 (15 ice players + 1 keeper)
Maximum: 20+1 (20 ice players + 1 keeper) (recommended)

Minimum Set: Lines 1, 2, 3 + Power Play 1,2 + Box Play 1,2 + Goalkeeper
Maximum Set: Lines 1, 2, 3, 4 + Power Play 1,2 + Box Play 1,2 + Goalkeeper

Each line is conformed with 5 ice players (1 Center, 2 Wings, 2 Defender)+ 1 Goalkeeper
The Keeper is the only player that never changes and plays the complete match.

Check the image below for more details:

Line 1: Its recommended you use your best five players here
Line 2: Its recommended you use your next best five players here and so on with Line 3 & 4

Power Play (PP): This special line jumps to ice when your rival has committed a penalty, so for next 2 minutes or you score a goal (what ever occurs first) you will have more players on ice than your opponent.

Box Play (BP): This special line jumps to ice when your team has committed a penalty, so for the next 2 minutes or your rival scores a goal (what ever occurs first) you will have less players on ice than your opponent.

Inside the Orders/Tactic Editor you will also be able to change the Mentality and Pressing for each line

Mentality: Attacking, Balanced, Defensive
Pressing: Committed, Normal, Passive

Depending on the skills your players have you will be able to change the combinations for each line of your tactic. Its recommended you use Attacking on your PP Lines and Defensive in your BP Lines.

Additional Notes:
* Power is the most important skill
* Form skill is key for a optimal performance of your team
* Not injuries in hockey (no clinic is needed)

C : Center
LW: Left Wing
RW: Right Wing
LD: Left Defence
RD: Right Defence
GK: Goalkeeper
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Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Nice guide!
I would like to see that instead of five best players in line 1, it is more important to have your best players as centers.
Good job!

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Thank you for this! I finally know how to train my players and put them in the correct positions... after three seasons.

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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I barely understand the mentality and pressing. Can someone please explain them to me in detail and show me what's the benefits and disadvantages of each? Which one do you recommend and which one is the worst? Why or why not?

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Mentality: Attacking, the defenders tend to adventure themselves more than the usual on attack and they shoot quite a lot so they need some pucks in shooting plus quickness and stamina to go back quickly and not to get tired so fast.

Defensive is obviously the contrary. With this mentality, the wingers will play an important role as they will go back and try to tackle the opposite wingers. For this, they need to be developed in checking and should have enough of quickness and stamina (These two are really important). The defenders go to attack but less often than attacking and even balanced.

Balanced is the balance between attacking and defensive (no kidding lol) So to choose one of them, you need to look first the characteristics of your wingers and defenders.

Pressing: Committed, as the name says, the players are committed to defend and they try to get the puck back as soon as possible. Stamina is very required here.

Passive: They stay more on their positions and don't tackle as often as in committed. It's useful if you have low average in stamina, but personally I don't like this one. I use sometimes for U18 though

Normal: The balance between pressing and committed haha

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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agapitod wrote:
Mentality: Attacking, the defenders tend to adventure themselves more than the usual on attack and they shoot quite a lot so they need some pucks in shooting plus quickness and stamina to go back quickly and not to get tired so fast.

Defensive is obviously the contrary. With this mentality, the wingers will play an important role as they will go back and try to tackle the opposite wingers. For this, they need to be developed in checking and should have enough of quickness and stamina (These two are really important). The defenders go to attack but less often than attacking and even balanced.

Balanced is the balance between attacking and defensive (no kidding lol) So to choose one of them, you need to look first the characteristics of your wingers and defenders.

Pressing: Committed, as the name says, the players are committed to defend and they try to get the puck back as soon as possible. Stamina is very required here.

Passive: They stay more on their positions and don't tackle as often as in committed. It's useful if you have low average in stamina, but personally I don't like this one. I use sometimes for U18 though

Normal: The balance between pressing and committed haha

Thank you Agapitod!! That's very useful!

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Very helpful thanks

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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agapitod wrote:
With this mentality, the wingers will play an important role as they will go back and try to tackle the opposite wingers.

tackle - that's hilarious. good old 70's hockey. i guess all the NHL's best efforts to avoid obstruction and open up the game haven't changed the public's perception much.

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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agapitod wrote:
Mentality: Defensive is obviously the contrary. With this mentality, the wingers will play an important role as they will go back and try to tackle the opposite wingers. For this, they need to be developed in checking and should have enough of quickness and stamina (These two are really important). The defenders go to attack but less often than attacking and even balanced.

had a query here mate. you spoke of wingers making more tackles (or whatever smiller like to call it/it is called :P) in 'Defensive Mentality'. so what i would like to ask is - do wingers and the chap in the centre too tend to take lesser shots in this mentality ? in short, is there a tendency (on the part of the wingers and the centre guy) to reduce the number of shots too or do they only defend more than usual (as you stated) ?


Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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smiller likes*

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Very helpful thanks sz'

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Is it still accurate that the core skills are power, quickness, skating, and stamina with shooting and checking either primary or secondary based on the players position?

I don't think there have been any major updates recently that have made play intel, passing, and puck control more important, but I was just looking to clarify.


Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Hi, there have been no changes.

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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kudolvol wrote:
Hi, there have been no changes.

Still no major changes in the hockey game so everything stills apply.

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Nice thread. I like to hear more about player placements from experienced players.

As far as I have been able to info gathered, players with low quickness should be placed low in the pitch, what’s your opinion?
Also, would that make quickness more important than skating?

Sv: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Helped a lot!

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Still no changes?

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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spinachslam wrote:
Still no changes?

Still no changes yes!

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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spinachslam wrote:
Still no changes?

No changes yet, keep it up

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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All very good if you have the money to buy players to fit into this but if you no money caused by those BASTARDS called MZ who i happen to know every member off mz staff WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE WARE THEY LIVE you can fuck A CUNT but you can not fuck mz staff JUST get ISIS to kill the BASTARDS EITHERGIVE ME 9 MILLION TO SPEND YOU BASTARDS OR BE KILLED BY ISIS you fucking choice mz

Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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Re: [GUIDE] Hockey Tactics Basics

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