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Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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Surely as a community we can come together to get the devs attention on how poor this wing tactic is?

Now I know for certain youll come here and try and argue it isn't as superior as you think.

But I cant see or read any evidence against it.

I'm seeing more and more how poor the game engine and how heavily weighted it is towards the wing tactics.

It needs changing to force us3rs to need two wingers to start and balance things out.

I mean is the long tactic even a tactic at this point? Or is it simply SP and wing with wing being far superior.

I'm genuinely so close to leaving. I actually don't see the point in playing. I'm seeing old users re join to find the the game engine is it's same rubbish self it was 3 or 4 years ago.

I'm first hand seeing myself lose to inferior teams employing the wing tactic. Some of the results are genuinely laughable. I cant even.

How there are only 3 tactics is beyond me anyway.

They've not implemented any suggestions for a long time. Like who owns this game? Can we come together to give an open letter to whoever owns the game to sell it to someone with passion?
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Sv: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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I adapt formations for all games, but I have five favorite formations I use the must.
I only make "wild" changes if I feel lost against an team I know is better than all of my five favorites.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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But you change and choose a tactic for every game after scouting opponent and assuming they'll play a certain way?

Sv: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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k33n3y wrote:
But you change and choose a tactic for every game after scouting opponent and assuming they'll play a certain way?


Sv: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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k33n3y wrote:
A 5 man defence allows a SP passing team to walk all over you. It's like rock paper scissors but everyone knows rock is meta.

5 DCs, 2 DMs and an MC is prolly one of the best set ups against all types of attack. You are strong thru the center of the pitch, strong against one or two wingers, however you have to make do with only 2 attackers (which can be either Sp or Wp).

k33n3y wrote:
Can I ask if people are changing and adapting formations for all games? Just league games? Just knockout games etc?

Scouting and adapting should be done before every game you reeeeeaaaaaly wanna get a result from. If u think ur team is way superior, it might be enough to just run the tactic that fits your team best. In even games or against better opponents, tactical adjustments are a must.

As mentioned above, all styles seemes valid too me, especially if u can mix them up thruought the game/season. I see very good swedish teams play longballs and know for a fact that Ballkam Sportsklubb has won the U23 top div with Sp. Both defo faced wingplay on their way to titles.

You say u have tried to adapt to counter to share an example? And if u make an mzplayer of the senior players u have, I can help u out with the why the counter tactic dont work or team selection in general. My trophy room gathers dust, but I have spent enough time ingame to give an advice or two.


Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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Hi Fred.

When I get a minute ill take you up on that advice.

I've been hurt more recently selling two of my best players.

But club is financially sound now and lots of youths breaking through. So need to get those players exp up before they can break into 11.

So senior team is taking a hit it seems. Sell them mostly off and build my squad around my current 19-23 year olds.

My first game if this season is a perfect example of me setting up to counter the wing play of all stars. I adjusted to the opposite side when he did. I felt I outplayed him and was tactfully sound. He has better players than me and it was a narrow 1-0 defeat. I dont mind those. But I don't have time to adjust for every cup game etx. Its no feasible when some days you can play upto 8 games or so.

Sv: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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k33n3y wrote:

My first game if this season is a perfect example of me setting up to counter the wing play of all stars. I adjusted to the opposite side when he did. I felt I outplayed him and was tactfully sound. He has better players than me and it was a narrow 1-0 defeat. I dont mind those. But I don't have time to adjust for every cup game etx. Its no feasible when some days you can play upto 8 games or so.

Hard evidence right there, mate! Very well executed match against a team I suspect (based on standings) are stronger than yours. Dm me anytime!

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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Meant 2nd game of the season BTW. But think you knew that.

Season is starting to get back on track.

Trying to setup each and every game. 5-3-2 against any wing play

The next hurdle is teams that change to wing once they're losing 2-0 etc. I'm noticing that now. So need to try and counter that somehow.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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5-3-2 isn't working that well. Outplayed my opponent today and lost. Sim keeps screwing me over.

Sv: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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rockstarroberts wrote:
5-3-2 isn't working that well. Outplayed my opponent today and lost. Sim keeps screwing me over.

This one? Looks like a pretty even played game. Wing play are known for less ball possession after all, and higher efficiancy. I also see the opposition goalie got MOTM. 5 at the back is obviously no garantee for a clean sheet, however it makes it a lot more difficult for the winger to create chances. The point above also was that the 5(DC)2(DM)1(MC) is good against many different attack formations. Against specific attack formations, there are better def formations, but they might be weak against if the opponent changes from Wp to Sp.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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freddemand wrote:

This one? Looks like a pretty even played game. Wing play are known for less ball possession after all, and higher efficiancy. I also see the opposition goalie got MOTM. 5 at the back is obviously no garantee for a clean sheet, however it makes it a lot more difficult for the winger to create chances. The point above also was that the 5(DC)2(DM)1(MC) is good against many different attack formations. Against specific attack formations, there are better def formations, but they might be weak against if the opponent changes from Wp to Sp.

I outplayed them with nearly 60% possession and much better tackling. I've only been outplayed in league play twice this season and my record doesn't indicate my quality this season

Sv: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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rockstarroberts wrote:
I outplayed them with nearly 60% possession and much better tackling. I've only been outplayed in league play twice this season and my record doesn't indicate my quality this season

as shortpass is possession football and creates more chances simply by being an sp tactic, the stats might lie a bit. So u might not have outplayed the orgasm guys as much as the stats indicate.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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There should be an option to automatically change your own tactics if your opposing team changes theirs.. would solve a lot of problems..

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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I totally agree fox.

The more and more I explore I realise it doesn't matter what you do.

Wings are meta. You can't get away from it. Even teams SP heavy play wings for a period to get an advantage.

I've adjusted to 5-3-2 to counter wing teams and I'm getting demolished most of the time. Its actually embarrassing.

Since SP isn't actually a viable tactic.

I'm majorly losing desire to play this game in its current format. The only joy I get is training players.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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The issue is that wings is much easier to optimise as there are less variables involved.

Defender wins ball -> Pass to winger (66% success) -> Dribble past defender (66% success) -> Cross to striker (50% success) -> Shot (15% success)

Short and long passing there is just more passes and therefore more opportunities for the ball to be intercepted. The odds for dribbling past a defender are roughly the same as for completing a pass (I think passing should be much easier).

When I was NT manager I could play short pass 4-3-1-2 against wings and turn the game more into a 50/50, because my wide DM's would pass to each other reasonably well, allowing me to monopolise more possession and decrease the amount of scoring chances (for both teams). But you need world class players to do stuff like that and I still planned to win the game by using subs and potentially a change of tactic.

I wouldn't say short pass is unviable, I think that's going too far, but it is more inconsistent, which in turn means it's better as a long term strategy to build a wings team. On a game lifecycle scale, the sim should really be updated every two years, even if minor, to prevent situations where one strategy becomes so optimised it becomes the clear meta. The fact that with wings you can be "pixel perfect" with winger/striker placement, like that should be a debate not a given.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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Thanks for the input brother.

My SP team has been getting stronger and stronger yet I don't see a noticeable improvement with results. More managers employing wings in the English leagues.
That coupled with a slightly less experienced team. Average 8.1 rather than just below 9 last season.

I've improved heading defenders to try and counter the wings when the ball is flung in. I've adapted to 5-3-2 to counter the wing tactic and adapted to opposition switching sides and yet I am finding myself deeply in the relegation zone. I've had heavy possession in most of my games and a majority of shots.

No doubt a combination of things for sure. Its just demoralising.

Fingers crossed my next bread of players are very competitive when they hit 10 exp and maxed trained. However I suspect I will still be up against the wing tactic.

So you need your SP team to be literally world class.

If you had a little bit of time maybe you could assist me with SP tactic and see if there is anything massively I'm missing?

I still think wings need looking at. The ME is basically forcing managers to employ some form of wings.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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k33n3y wrote:

Are you talking about your league games? I checked your matches. You have lost twice to wing-teams. Both are top teams in your league. You have lost 4 times to sp and had 1 draw against sp.

The one match you lost against a wing-team you hit the mark with the starting tactics and played a close game. Would have been quite the upset if you stole a point considering he has a better squad than you.

The second match you missed the starting formation quite bad tbh. You can never field a 3 back line against a single winger and expect to be succesful. It doesn't matter that you had 10 more SOT when the winger and striker is given so much room to work with. Also he probably has better players than you.

Since these two are the only games against wings in your league matches this season, you cant possibly blame the standings on wings being OP.

Feel free to hit me up in my chat er GB to get a crash course in tactics and skills needed.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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Should have noted you had the black squad in the first game and yellow in the second game. For clarity.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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I think part of the problem is how crosses are handled by the sim and the 3D. Currently the ball sort of loops in, either straight to the defender (who will never head it away) or the attacker, we don't really get feedback on how good we have positioned our defender in the formation, whether he had any impact on the attacker (assuming he shoots).

I feel like crosses need to be treated as separate from aerial passes, as a separate function in the sim. Visually they should be lower and faster, almost like a shot. Sim wise, they need to be able to be hit too hard, missing everyone in the box (Which would incentivize playing with two wingers, to collect bad crosses on the far side). Defenders should be prepared to head the ball out for corners.

I don't actually think balance is too far away then. Just tweaks like ground passes being 3% more successful overall, tackling 5% more successful, higher shots to goal ratio.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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If you look at one of the examples you posted Coachie.

BTW your comments are very valid. I was losing close sp games or setup wrongly. This could always happen if managers employ different tactics.

That being said in your example.

Wing teams NEVER need to think about SP. Only SP teams need to think about Wing teams. This is what I'm trying to get to.

Due to the stupidly high conversion rate on wings. Teams are regularly losing with a much higher shot/possession figures.

My gripe is in your example above. I got my tactic wrong. 3 at the back against wings. I know it's poor. But also if I'm due to play SP. Wing teams should have to be mindful. They don't need to be because there tactic us superior.

I understand there are some things I need to improve on tactics wise.

But something is not right with the balance. A Wing team should have to also counter SP somehow. They don't need to at all. They can simply just play the way they do. In some instances the 5-3-2 tactic will counter thus but not at the same levels wings counter SP. The levels aren't the same.

Does that make sense?

Thank you for your input. Its also irrelevant for the near future as I've sold my whole first team. Haha. So working on building up my u23s. But I'll continue to play SP.

I still don't get how Wing teams only need to employ one winger.

Also unsure why I'm even here chatting because MZ won't do anything and the Mods they have in place don't escalate anything and are severely unhelpful when anything raised formally.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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If you really think about it, there is no need for wing tactics, only long ball (in the true sense of hoofing it up the field) and passing. Wing play should only depend on formation, i.e.: the placement of players on the wigs. The further apart the players, the more aerial passing. The closer, the more short passing. Wingers should naturally strive to behave like wingers (PI) and cross balls when placed on the wing. This is something MZ has got very wrong and this is why the SIM is so unbalanced.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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I honestly don't know why I bother anymore
This is what keeps happening. Check all my results in this cup.

Beyond laughable at how over powered wings are.

Yet I'm the only one that has to adapt. Wing teams don't have to adapt to SP teams in anyway.

I'm very close to walking away. It's not even worth whole or enjoyable at all.

Either play wings or give up is the only way really.

Some teams get relatively small success if they adapt to wings with world class players.

My u23 players are very very good btw for SP.

Sv: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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k33n3y wrote:

I honestly don't know why I bother anymore
This is what keeps happening. Check all my results in this cup.

Beyond laughable at how over powered wings are.

Yet I'm the only one that has to adapt. Wing teams don't have to adapt to SP teams in anyway.

I'm very close to walking away. It's not even worth whole or enjoyable at all.

Either play wings or give up is the only way really.

Some teams get relatively small success if they adapt to wings with world class players.

My u23 players are very very good btw for SP.

Would it be possible to see these players?

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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Wow. Seeing the world Cup results. SP hasn't even been close

It's just pathetic at this stage.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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Dude show your U23 Squad and then we continue

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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And even then when you do totally outplay opponents you get a result like this.

I really can't be bothered to discuss it anymore.

I've sold all my first team.

The game is embarrassing and you yet again want to examine certain aspects to make excuses like oh that player has 7 speed or that player has 7 PI. Or they are low exp. Or your players don't have aerial skills. Blah blah blah

Well the current world Cup is exposing it massively and quite frankly look at any competition that has gone on this season. Practically all half decent teams playing wing have beaten the SP teams.

It's beyond a joke.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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Half as Winner of senior world league had to alter their tactic to SP from wings against SP team to tie the game.

Show your fking players please.

Second game you show us is SP against SP in U18 level. Get good keeper and improve your scorers.

I just need to see this very very good level U23 team you told us about.

Re: Tactics - Wing tactic( Do not ignore)

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k33n3y wrote:
The game is embarrassing and you yet again want to examine certain aspects to make excuses like oh that player has 7 speed or that player has 7 PI. Or they are low exp. Or your players don't have aerial skills. Blah blah blah

And cos you don't take these simple certain aspects seriously you won't win anything as you think you should be winning with players that don't have these skills when the competition demands them...
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