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03-06-2024 08:46
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 63
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Football » English » Simulator Development Feedback

Tactic trouble when a player is sent off

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Normaly, if a player is sent off your tactic automacaly balances your team sending another player back where the hole is done.

But if you've lost someone and change tactic, that hole comes back, respecting the original position of all players.

That's so dangerous in case of a defender missed. Much more when the missed player is a central defender.

I think is better if my team stays balanced even when tactics change on.
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Re: Tactic trouble when a player is sent off

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Can you make a link to the match so we see the problem better?

Re: Tactic trouble when a player is sent off

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mihairo wrote:
Can you make a link to the match so we see the problem better?

Here's an example I found from culeromal's recent matches:

Here he's playing with 3 at the back (a 3-3-4 formation is in place)

Number 21 gets sent off, in the next goal kick, you see that some players have moved in order to fill the gap in defense made by that sending off.

So all's good, however in the second half culeromal set it up so his team's formation changes, he now should have 4 at the back (maybe 5 if you count 48's position but that looks like a CDM to me) but as you can see:

No-one's covering the spot of the red carded player.

There's your problem. Imagine if the player that got sent off was instead Number 28, in the second half he's a CB and because the manager's changed his formation he unknowingly makes a big hole in his defense.

Re: Tactic trouble when a player is sent off

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This bug has been reported many times before. It is on the bug index list in the admin forum waiting for when they work on the sims then they will look at a possible fix.

Re: Tactic trouble when a player is sent off

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Thanks to geoclphredux for his brillant demostration of my point.
And also to dowopado.

This is a good example of what a team work can do.

Hurra !

Re: Tactic trouble when a player is sent off

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well done !!!

Thanks !!!
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