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03-06-2024 05:30
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 63
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Football » English » Simulator Development Feedback

this is the worst sim ever

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why is the keeper kicking so poor , but yet he saves all shots, the last game i watched is so repetitive, the keeper does a poor kick, the opposition attacks, the keeper saves, ok , i got beat in the second half, but there is no actual football being played , it looks like a poor download from mousebreaker . com.. do the crew release a new sim as a selling pitch only and not care about the quality, this sim is garbage and i cannot believe that the crew have sat and looked at this and gave it the thumbs up,
yours truly , an mzer about to leave..
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Re: this is the worst sim ever

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not to mention selfish

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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you are just so dumb that if anyone with average intelligence reads what i wrote understands that i'm not crying.... that really shows you have nothing more to say besides trying to look funny using sarcasm and insulting....

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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the more you speak the more you reveal your dumbness

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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you are a person with no ambition.... you delight in a broken SIM with the excuse it drops rain for everybody....

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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STick, just a suggestion, though you failed to understand my last suggestion, maybe you should stop using "narrow minded". The more you use the less inteligent you appear and the less valid any point you plan to make will be. Though I still have been waiting on one of those valid points.

I get that you are upset that you or your squad stinks, but that is no reason to incessantly rant on for a ridiculous amount posts. Oh yeah a side note, unless you have a rather high IQ, I would leave the whole TEST (yes, test not "text") out of it. Otherwise you really show to be (well I will let you come up with your "less-smart" phrase).

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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adv41449 wrote:
STick, just a suggestion, though you failed to understand my last suggestion, maybe you should stop using "narrow minded". The more you use the less inteligent you appear and the less valid any point you plan to make will be. Though I still have been waiting on one of those valid points.

I get that you are upset that you or your squad stinks, but that is no reason to incessantly rant on for a ridiculous amount posts. Oh yeah a side note, unless you have a rather high IQ, I would leave the whole TEST (yes, test not "text") out of it. Otherwise you really show to be (well I will let you come up with your "less-smart" phrase).

so what now you wanna play smart with "engorish" on me? hey it's not my natural language. Consegues falar a minha lingua sem ires ao tradutor? so google translate for you and answer me that one

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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yes he is because i'm not crying... and yet you persist on beeing his body guard for god knows why...

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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and i know i should have writen test instead of text. ever ocurred to you that maybe i missed the key?

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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i've said and showed enough valid points if you read them, but maybe u just didn't... or just don't care to even read them....

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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adv41449 wrote:
I get that you are upset that you or your squad stinks

my crappy team looses against weaker teams and wins 11-1 against teams the same value as teams from Mz portuguese SuperLiga... can you even give me a valid explanation to that without having to go over the same loop of "statistical anomaly - player form - your denial - atempt to insult - atempt to diminish my team" i think you just lost your arguments to even undesrtand my point and what i'm saying to the point you try to dimish me over a petty spelling error.... (text/test) i recommend you read what i said before and then try to prove me wrong...

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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adv41449 wrote:
I get that you are upset that you or your squad stinks

my team is so crappy, but it's still good enough to woop your team's ass.

how can you be playing mz since 2009 and have a team weaker than mine? 3 years weren't good enough for you to build a decent team? what was it now? statistical anomaly in all these 4 matches? i'm starting to realize i'm just wasting time and brain power by even trying to discuss such issues with you... one big word of advice for you: don't be too full of yourself just because you have high rank, because it's obvious the level of competition is very diferent in both sides... perhaps you and your "protege" need to really learn about the concept of what football is... only people that do not know this concept can enjoy a broken SIM as this one...

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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djstick wrote:
so what now you wanna play smart with "engorish" on me? hey it's not my natural language. Consegues falar a minha lingua sem ires ao tradutor? so google translate for you and answer me that one

I don't play smart, you may, but I don't. Playing is for those who wish they were smart. As for you question, I believe the answer is NO. I believe you are asking about speaking your language. Now that is a lose translation as I dont' speak fulent Portuguese. I also assume tradutor is....... some form of teacher/translation?

And all that without a Google. :)

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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and this i why we (mz players) are still eating rice and beans for 11 years straight... it's because people like you keep suporting this situation

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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adv41449 wrote:
I don't play smart, you may, but I don't. Playing is for those who wish they were smart. As for you question, I believe the answer is NO. I believe you are asking about speaking your language. Now that is a lose translation as I dont' speak fulent Portuguese. I also assume tradutor is....... some form of teacher/translation?

And all that without a Google. :)


Re: this is the worst sim ever

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djstick wrote:
my team is so crappy, but it's still good enough to woop your team's ass.

how can you be playing mz since 2009 and have a team weaker than mine? 3 years weren't good enough for you to build a decent team? what was it now? statistical anomaly in all these 4 matches? i'm starting to realize i'm just wasting time and brain power by even trying to discuss such issues with you... one big word of advice for you: don't be too full of yourself just because you have high rank, because it's obvious the level of competition is very diferent in both sides... perhaps you and your "protege" need to really learn about the concept of what football is... only people that do not know this concept can enjoy a broken SIM as this one...

This is what you call "brain power"? This post only shows your true lack thereof. I will not explain why as it seems someone has coddled you a bit too much that you are not truly able to think for yourself. However, figure out why this post of yours is completely and utterly innane and I may not think as lowly of you as I currently do.

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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*end of discussion. i've said everything i had to say. you read it and do a inner reflection out of yourself...

Ang: this is the worst sim ever

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LOL.. yes adv41449 teams got beaten in all 4 matches you played.. and you are really proud of it, there you go to bad you didnt get a trophy for it :D

well how about we stick to the subject now kid.. If this SIM was so insaley crazy then why did'nt adv41449 beat your team once or twice just to support your case? :O

You djstick is a Hypocrite

A hypocrite is a person who often offers advice that they themselves do not follow or go against. They are annoying sort of people who tend to boast certain virtues, morals or ethics that they then throw to the wayside if ever put to the test.

I rest my Case ;)

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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Djstick i think you cant take team value as your subject in determining the winner bc of speed and PI undervaluation...greets

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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nkle wrote:
LOL.. yes adv41449 teams got beaten in all 4 matches you played.. and you are really proud of it, there you go to bad you didnt get a trophy for it :D

well how about we stick to the subject now kid.. If this SIM was so insaley crazy then why did'nt adv41449 beat your team once or twice just to support your case? :O

You djstick is a Hypocrite

A hypocrite is a person who often offers advice that they themselves do not follow or go against. They are annoying sort of people who tend to boast certain virtues, morals or ethics that they then throw to the wayside if ever put to the test.

I rest my Case ;)

you are the most dumb person here on Mz... you just can't fix stupid....

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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nkle wrote:
LOL.. yes adv41449 teams got beaten in all 4 matches you played.. and you are really proud of it, there you go to bad you didnt get a trophy for it :D

well how about we stick to the subject now kid.. If this SIM was so insaley crazy then why did'nt adv41449 beat your team once or twice just to support your case? :O

You djstick is a Hypocrite

A hypocrite is a person who often offers advice that they themselves do not follow or go against. They are annoying sort of people who tend to boast certain virtues, morals or ethics that they then throw to the wayside if ever put to the test.

I rest my Case ;)

lol you were dying to get me on that one but you are so dumb that you forget that he's team is so weak that the stats of his players are not enough to trigger a statistical anomaly... you look like a little monkey shouting to the wind "djstick is a hypocrite" so you can feel better when you go to bed.... you go rest your dumbness...

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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nkle wrote:
A hypocrite is a person who often offers advice that they themselves do not follow or go against. They are annoying sort of people who tend to boast certain virtues, morals or ethics that they then throw to the wayside if ever put to the test.

I rest my Case ;)

did you give urself the trouble to copy that from a book so you could dump it on me? was i worth that effort? lol am i so important? LOL

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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You calling others dumb is essentially, "the pot calling the kettle black". You have yet to figure out why your 'I am smart because I won 4 instant matches in a row' is so indicative of those who think they are smart, but really are not.

Again figure that out and then I will not think as lowly of you as I currently do. The more you post without that understanding the more idiotic you appear.

Ang: this is the worst sim ever

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djstick wrote:
did you give urself the trouble to copy that from a book so you could dump it on me? was i worth that effort? lol am i so important? LOL

it took me like one minute to find that on google :) thank you for your lovely message in my guestbook today btw, that was really kind of you :O

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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nkle wrote:
LOL.. yes adv41449 teams got beaten in all 4 matches you played.. and you are really proud of it, there you go to bad you didnt get a trophy for it :D

well how about we stick to the subject now kid.. If this SIM was so insaley crazy then why did'nt adv41449 beat your team once or twice just to support your case? :O

You djstick is a Hypocrite

A hypocrite is a person who often offers advice that they themselves do not follow or go against. They are annoying sort of people who tend to boast certain virtues, morals or ethics that they then throw to the wayside if ever put to the test.

I rest my Case ;)

you are so dumb that you or your little monkey friends don't even realize that it was not me that started to talk about the statistical anomaly bullshit... ask urself why did i asked adv41449 that? you just lost the right to even speak to me 'cuz the more you speak the more dumb you show you are and you and your friends blind vendetta just to diminish me as a person and diminish my team is empty... you can't even have the inteligence to counter my opinions without the need to resort to petty kiddy insults: "cry boy, crap team, etc..." you just can't seem to grasp it do you? so i'll just stop beating the dead horse because it's too much information for you to process at the same time.... it seems...

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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Re: this is the worst sim ever

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3 little monkeys got together and decided to have a party...
adv41449 wrote:

You calling others dumb is essentially, "the pot calling the kettle black". You have yet to figure out why your 'I am smart because I won 4 instant matches in a row' is so indicative of those who think they are smart, but really are not.

Again figure that out and then I will not think as lowly of you as I currently do. The more you post without that understanding the more idiotic you appear.

you clearly missed my point.... but i've allready said it.... i'll stop beating the dead horse....

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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It appears the ranting on this thread has strayed way beyond the topic. If it continues I will lock the thread. Time to move on.

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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this is the Best sim ever, close the topic and throw the key...

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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Why move on ?
Yes it seems since i havnt been in here for a few days it has become personal slanging match :) .

If the answer to djsticks questions is infact (its all to do with statistics and probabilities with some anomalies ) well then so be it .

Unfortunately i cant see it being made into a SIM that suits me or anyone else.

We are all supporter of a football team somewhere in the world, we all go watch live games, we all watch with millions of other supporters World Cups, Euro Cups and low and behold every single person at a game with 60000 people attending and millions watching will have a different view of that game and its result. How does Torres miss that shot from point blank, how did Buffon not handle the ball correctly and let it slip through to goal,how can DelPiero not see the striker on his own, They're all superstars and they made glaring stupid blunders.

I can see how frustrating it is to watch players do the dumbest things on the planet.
I can also understand the complexities of making a computer play human .

If anything this SIM does badly it magnifies the errors,human nature is well we only see badness never see the good stuff right?.

How many of you guys work, how many of have worked our butts off only for the manager to come into the room and see you having a coffee ??? and what does he say IS THAT all you do .

Yes im guilty of seeing only badness in the SIM .

If anything maximise the probabals minimise ananomalies.

I can sfely say some of us will never be 100% happy with the SIM, there will always be something that will not be right.

What i do know none of us are rockets scientists, none of us have anything better to do than be on here bleating on about a SIM that does or doesnt work the way we like for hrs in a day .

now im off to get an aircraft into the sky safely :)

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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Honestly my bigest mistake on this entire conversation was fall in the trap when they lost the arguments and started taking the conversation to the personnal level... (cry boy, squad stinks, etc...) during all this fight if i could put everything in a sentence what i was trying to explain this would be it: with this SIM statistical anomalies happen a lot and it would be nice if the CREW had a look at this and try to minimise those anomalies because you might say it happens in 1 out of 20 matches but that's not true, it happens much more times than that as i've shown you in the examples.
but they didn't seem to care about listening what i had to say... all their focus was in the atempt to mock everything i was trying to say... so it's hopeless when you try to talk about anything, when you say something to a person but that person is mocking you or doesn't even tries to understand you... makes me feel like i'm talking to a door or a donkey... nomatter what you say the reply is always the same...

"now im off to get an aircraft into the sky safely :)"

well said... me too... enough of this SIM bullshit.... close the thread ffs...
i like black you like white... we can keep this forever or just let it go... if the SIM is really that crappy or not only the future will tell...

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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It does not happen more times than that, or they would not be considered anomalies. That is why they are called anomalies. Trying to prove a point by "cherry-picking" 5 or 6 or 20 examples doesn't prove the point that they happen more than they should. Chosing 1000 matches with varying results is more like it.

For example, my last 23 league matches ended with a record of 20 wins 1 tie and 2 loses. In all of those matches not once in any of my loses or tie did I have vastly more possession, nor did I have dramatically more shots or shots on goal. Also, none of my wins could be considered an anomaly. So, if my own proof depicts something different than what you claim, how or why should I agree with you?

Finally, it was you who started the direct attack at me. I explained what the issue was mathematically and you didn't like it so then began to attack me. Now you are trying to be the bigger person.... oh the irony.

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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Just by looking at the squads of adv and stick, I would say the 4 IMs reflect that the SIM works sufficiently well.
stick has a decent team, adv's squad is a little weaker. One would guess maybe 1-2 wins 2-3 ties in 20 games for adv against stick and 0-4 is not quite against the odds.
In playing several U23 Friendly Leagues with the best teams world-wide, on can say, that in general the best team (Red-Scorpion) finishes first, despite some close calls in a few games. This reflects reality and so, the SIM is ok, when it comes to the results.
The 3D sucks - can understand heddo's rage whenit comes to the GK issue.

Ahh, very important side note: values do not completely mirror the strength of a player. Sprint, Stamina PI monsters are far less in value compared to slow shooters despite maybebeing the better player. So, despite some room for improvement - results with occasional upsets are generally ok in this SIM I think.

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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Ermm.... adv41449 didn't play his "A" team, just a mix of some players from his youth squad + a few seniors, so yes... no surprise adv lost, if djstick challenge him now, adv will have his strongest squad and I think he should win easily.

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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Finally! Someone who actually decided to think.

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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The question this the best sim ever?

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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Kinda a leap there uwe, no? The title afterall is stating worst and you leap to best?

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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just wanted to stir things up a little....swim against the tide and all that :)

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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ah, now I see. :) how's it going?

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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there is no question about it, this is the best sim!

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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obviously havnt played many SIMS then

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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ihhh played many this is my first...

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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Something must changed no is this the third season now with this dodgy sim? Just checked my results for my last two cup matches I was in and if I took my chances according to SC I should have qualified for both and some of my league games this season have been poor only game I haven't had more SC is in the first game when they had 8 to my 7 and they scored 3 late goals my team were probably deflated because of the sim. Might take another leave/boycott and see if I do better with no form :P

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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nope no change

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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djstick, I agree that the SIM isn't really good because Keepers only kick to the opponents, passes are terribly inaccurate and most passes are nothing but interceptions.

But I played a friendly match against you, you won 16-0 and you shot amazing goals of awesome beauty, which was more than boring and bad. Also no anomalies at all :)

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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Someone posted this on out community forum. Maybe simulator has errors or it becomes more real every day.

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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but the passes are at least accurate IRL

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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whatever happened to you in 1 day happened to me in a whole season

last season,(div 2.4) i used to lose all the games and i was the last one on the league table

now, in this season (still 2.4 and almost the same clubs) i am the first one in the league with a team that wins 4 of 5 matches with 9-0


i think this is a mistery

is the sim? or is it the random match results???

obviously no one knows........

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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MZ Conspiracy?

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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I have said this before n will say it again
This SIM is similar to the oldest SIM we used to play.
Same short passing and narrow formation.Its 75-80% copy of previous one.
Sldnt it be obvious if in season 40 wing had more importance at least the current sim shld have both the features balanced with short n wing working, forget long.
They cldnt balance it out so have made few changes thats it.
Your just playing newer version of old sim with new set of problems.

With each release your aim sld be to improve but not keep the no. of issues same.There has been no upgrade.Its all just a hype and the real problem is being covered up with cosmetic changes in the name of development.
Ppl are just seeing the same stuff being repeated that's making them frustrated.
The demise of forum,players leaving.New players not willing to stay.
All they r trying to do is MILK the existing users who are actually staying because of
efforts,memories,relations n money they have spent over the years.
Such strategy wont help you retain new players.

MZ is not what it used to be when i started.The sim wasnt perfect then as well but the atmosphere was grt.I had a shit team but loved MZ because of forum,friendly banters and no. of active users.
Now that they are making it more commercialized many have left.Its not wrong to do so for the games development but at least show some credible upgrade.
Instead of wasting time on DUMB stuff like head to head if they had spent more time on SIM n released it only when it was better we wld have never had so many players leave.

The troubling part is when crew start to say stuff like "we had to be ruthless with some of the decision" it clearly shows how much they respect your point of view.
And clear example is the introduction of the 2 sim updates in consecutive seasons.

1 Teams had bought and sold players to adjust to new sim in season 40.Just think abt how they wld feel if in the next season a new sim is introduced.

2 All users who had tested the SIM had said that it was not yet ready for release even then it was released.Whats the point of doing user testing then if you dont respect their input.

Think who is actually DUMB here.

Re: this is the worst sim ever

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Well done pheoonix

Fix the problems and lets not worry about how a player can celebrate a goal .

Teams with higher value must mean better player attributes

As it stands now knowing 1 team is worth twice as much as the other team, i can watch them play and NOT tell the difference player ability wise. both teams will have bad passing ridiculous misses, and Goalkeepers who continually kick directly to an opponent.

I was once told by another Manager to get players who can Aerial pass better.
I spent 3million on 2 players only to find they are no different to the 2 players they replaced, same stupid lofted ball directly to a defender 9 times out of 10 .

1 Thing i have noticed is my defenders ability to header directly to a teammate no matter even if he has no heading attributes ?

Why cant MZ do the same for foot passing ???
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