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03-06-2024 05:02
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 63
Online: 5 622


Hockey » English » Suggestions/Improvements

tactic set-up

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I wonder if anybody has already raised this problem, but to set up the tactic in hockey is made way harder than in football.
Hockey is itself a more complicated discipline since there are more players and three four different lines to select, but what I can't make out is why football players are "detached" from their default frame when displaced on the pitch, why in hockey this is not possible. Sometimes I get mad trying to find out who is the missing player in a line-up, because on the right end they are all displayed.

Plus, while making adjustments it's impossible to move a player to a free slot until is own slot is taken by another player (this makes life more complicated, näh?)

And last, why, unlike football, at the beginning of a new season the chosen tactic set-up (position of the players) is changed automatically by MZ to a default scheme (i.e., very unbalanced)? Not only is a big waste of time to reset it for the several squads, but I also happened to lose my first match for that reason

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Re: tactic set-up

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oopppsss.. there are a couple of typos, I fear :S

Re: tactic set-up

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<< at the beginning of a new season the chosen tactic set-up (position of the players) is changed automatically by MZ to a default scheme (i.e., very unbalanced)? >>

I have never noticed that. I'll have to watch for that ... might learn something.
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