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03-06-2024 02:28
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 63
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Hockey » English » ManagerZone talk

This is sick

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Every season, for like the last 20 seasons, I lose to the last team in the league
Last season the last team stole 2 wins from me.
2-3 seasons ago I was on first place in the 11th round and playing vs. the last team with 0 (zero) points. What do you think... I lost that game. In the 12th round I defeated him like 8-0 but the damage was done.
Every season I lose to the last team.
Crew - fix this bug.
Enough is enough. I can't stand it anymore. It's so fckin stupid.
My opponent had 4 points after 11 rounds and I had 24. I was on the second place. All my fckin work gone down the drain. Why?
Why am I the most stupid manager in the league?
Why do I always have to lose vs. the last team in the league?
It doesn't make any sense.
The sim simply offends hard working managers.
It's sick.
This is fcked up.
I had enough. I can't stand it anymore.

This is the only time I curse on MZ Forum. And if an FA edits this, it's disrespectful.
I am so mad right now.
I don't offend anybody. But I've come to that point that I can't take it anymore.

If any FA touches this message, they should quit on spot.

Let people read.

This is not fair.
Not fair play.

Fix this bug NOW!
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Re: This is sick

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For people who don't understand why I'm so furious right now, I put 4 visible scout matches vs. the same team with the same tactic.
Just watch.
The official result is simply ridiculous. There is no way my opponent cam play like that.

Re: This is sick

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Season 74
I lost to MZ is Game Over 2-3 (shots 22-15) and 2-3 (shots 20-12)
The team finished 12th with 5 wins and 3 draws.
Currently the team is in div.1 12th place with 0 points.

Re: This is sick

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Season 71
I lost 1-2 having 3-4 times more shots to last seeded having zero points. The following matches I won 3-0, 12-0, 7-0, 6-0 etc.
The team finished the championship with like 10-11 points.

Season 63
I lost 0-2 vs. KiralyPingvinec, user zoli77, having 4 times more shots and winning the first match 6-0.
The team finished the championship with ONE WIN, the one against me. That's it - he finished the championship with 3 points.
Currently the team is inactive.

These are the worst cases I remember. I was so upset back then.
I will look for the other seasons. But the point is that every season it's the same nonsense. I keep losing to the last seeded team, even though I am 1st, 2nd, it doesn't matter.

People who don't understand MZ may say that the last seeded team should have a chance, right?
But in reality the difference between a last seeded and a top team is so huge, it's impossible.

For those who still don't understand, think of the Events.
The teams created for the events have 350-400k players.
These created teams actually cam defeat top teams, even though top teams have +15 mil values, while the event teams have 7-8 mil value.
They receive what we call a 'boost" that doesn't care about team values.
Having boost, a 8-11 mil team can defeat a 14-18 mil team.
This is not fair play.

The best managers work really hard to build the strongest teams.
These boosts not only offend top managers and create such frustration for us, but offers free wins to users who don't know what they're doing and really don't care. Most of them get tired of their own incompetence and just leave the game.
Meanwhile, we stay in the game with so many frustrations.

And this is exactly the definition of NOT FAIR PLAY.
It's not even common sense.
Why must we endure all these boosts, that actually work against us?
National Cups as well.
In the last 3 seasons I was eliminated in group stage by 7-8 mil teams with huge boosts. Teams I easily defeat 5-0, 6-0, 7-0 actually defeated me in National Cup group stage.

Some of you might think I am selfish. Why do I have to win?

Well, I ask you:
Why do THEY have to win? Why should WE lose to mangers who don't actually care? They don't care if they win or lose. And these boosts don't actually help them. Most of them will NEVER have any results in MZ.

So the current sim actually helps people who don't care and offend people who care about the game.


the act or fact of abiding by the rules as in sports or games;
fairness and honor in dealing with competitors, customers, etc.

(Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)


just and honorable treatment, action, or conduct

(Penguin Random House LLC and HarperCollins Publishers Ltd)

Re: This is sick

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stop crying 😢

Re: This is sick

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I always try to be obiective.
There is another forum thread with hundreds or thousands games like that.
They are too many. And it happens to us every day.
People had enough and that's a fact.
We just want to enjoy our game and our work.
We don't ask for much, do we?

Re: This is sick

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here are another 2 matches played in the same day but another top senior leagues

It is obvious that the SIM was broken.

Sv: This is sick

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Games like that is standard in this game. Hockey sim is old and crew have forgotten the sim and close their eyes when we report things like this.

They have only fixed 2 bugs since 2005. One was the fitness bug. The second was the away boost. But when you touched the away boost, it felt like the matches contain more chance and worse teams manage to beat better teams more often. It would be time to get hold of hockey's sim and think about development. At least with GPA and in a testing environment. I'm happy to join!

Re: This is sick

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I know that there should be some randomness. But like 5-10%, not 40% as it is today.
MZ is not Texas Hold'em. In Texas Hold'em the best hand AA or pocket aces starts with 60% chances of winning, i.e. 40% chances of losing. This is alright because the best players don't actually rely on their hands or luck. They have to know when to fold. It's called strategy. So the best players actually rely on the best strategies.
We can't change tactics during the match so 40% chances of losing even though having the better team would be way to much.
I hope my analogy explaines the importance of randomness better.

Now let's talk about the results on themselves and how they affect hardworking managers. For me it was very disappointing. It took like a week, that's at least another 2 games, which I lost, to find the joy to plan the matches again. Because after you get robbed of your work, you start asking yourself: is it worth it? If you find the answer and the joy to continue, nad how long it takes, that's upto each individual.
The point is that this is ManagerZone, not RandomZone. The name of the game should actually state "become a better manager".
I don't feel like managing anything right now...
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