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03-06-2024 09:51
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 63
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Discussing Hockey Tactics

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Hi MZ Hockey fans, many threads, posts, messages, interviews etc have been written regarding hockey tactics but after the last changes in the sim I still haven't found anything clear regarding this important topic of the game. Unlike football in hockey we don't have the special "Test Tactic" tab that allows you test different tactics of your own team until you find the most suitable option for your players.

The intention of this thread is to know others experience with tactics? how do you place your players in the ice rink and why? what kind of mentality you use and why? what kind of pressing do you use and why? how many lines do you use?

Do you watch matches with the Analyser ? 2D or 3D? unlike football we also don't have a picture of the pitch with the players placement on ice because on hockey you have different lines coming in and out all the time, so how do you know or what do you watch to see your rivals tactics and how do you counter attack to win an important match?

Well this are some questions, hope this is a kick off of a very long discussion, hope we can gather many ideas and find together the best way to play the actual SIM.

Best Regards
Duncan MacGibbon

Here are some tactics Ive found searching for new ideas

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Re: Discussing Hockey Tactics

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very interesting, I have no idea what tactics are these... why is it so different than soccer, like why not 4-3-3 or 5-3-2 like why

На: Discussing Hockey Tactics

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I have no idea.But i have tried using tactics looking at individual characteristics.Like if a forward haslots of stamin i out him a bit back so he can help a bit at the back.But at the same time he has to have a bit of tackling for this.the slower ones i put closer to the goal..but still i am not sure about everything.can't say much)

Re: Discussing Hockey Tactics

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I generally like to use a player with good all around skills, especially puck control and checking, as my center and move him back towards the net to help out with defense (say just behind the blue line) - similar to your 2nd example except the wingers wouldn't be quite as high up the ice. ironically, my centers always still end up as my top point getters for the season.

One thing that I do believe is that defenseman with good quickness can play above the face off dots. if they have poor quickness I put them closer to the net.

I have used extreme tactics before (ie - making a 4 man wall along the blue line) but they don't really seem to work all that well.

When the stamina / line change update came out a few season ago it through me for a little bit of a loop. It used to be that Line 1 played 21 min, Line 2 - 18 min, Line 3 - 13 min & Line 4 - 8 min, give or take. This meant you could double shift players on Line 3 and 4 with predictable stamina outcome. Now, I believe the simulator analyzes which line has the most stamina left and puts them on the ice. you can really screw yourself by having a 4th line with 4 players with 5 stamina and 1 player with 9 stamina. it'll keep dragging that line out on the ice even if a good chunk of the line is tired. because of this, I make sure that the stamina on my lines are all usually within 1 or 2 stamina pucks of eachother.

На: Discussing Hockey Tactics

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smiller29 wrote:
I make sure that the stamina on my lines are all usually within 1 or 2 stamina pucks of eachother.

that is an interesting observation.will try that thanks

Re: Discussing Hockey Tactics

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Let me share my opinion with you managers. When talking about tactics I prefer football much more as in football tactic is way more important and essential than in hockey. In hockey it's really hard to figure it out, we can't combine the tactic too much as there is not much choice really.

I always stick to some few most important facts in hockey tactic so, faster defender play higher, slow defender play close to the keeper. Fast winger can play in any position, slow winger has to be placed up as it will be easier for him to get the puck and shoot immidately (as he is slow it would be harder for him to ice toward goal), however, I've noticed that even I put a winger extremely high (highest we can) he is still close to the middle of the ice rink. About centers, better shooting on the blue line or above, better in checking close do the defenders, that depends if you want to play offensive or attacking.

I've noticed another thing as well, sometimes when you play all tactics with attacking mentality, the team actually don't play that offensive, but when I played really defensive tactic my team had more shoots, hard to think of any sense in here, maybe it's just that when team is defending well than it's easier for them to create chances.

About pressing I think, line 1 needs to have at least 8 puck on stamina to play committed, but I advise 9, well in U21 8 is enough. 2nd line 7-8 to play commited, line 3 and 4, if players have 5-6 stamina I wouldn't advise to play committed, I tried this some times and I noticed that my opponent have less shoots when I played normal than it was set to commited (talking about the pressing for 5-6 stamina players).

I think that mentality and pressing have more influence than the placement of the players. I play this game for so long, I that's a fact for me, some times when I put my 5-6 quickness defenders, extremely high on the ice rink, when I analyse the match i n 2d or 3d they look the same as high as when I had them close to the keeper, I don't understand that, that's why I prefer football, in football you can win over the champions if you have a great tactic idea, but in hockey I think players are everywhere anyway no matter when you put them. My point is I believe more in mentality and pressing, that's what is more important for me.

Re: Discussing Hockey Tactics

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Its nice to see some interest in the subject of the thread. To be honest i'm 100% in the blank here don't have a clue on how to place a tactic or counter tactic in hockey so that's why i´m looking to understand how others work out this concept of the game.
Again thanks for the feedback and hope to see others sharing their thoughts, I will keep on testing new tactic combination and sharing them here in the forum.

Re: Discussing Hockey Tactics

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Here you have the article translated from the Polish TZ. This describes tactics very well, and it shows many different ideas.

Re: Discussing Hockey Tactics

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lukaszsz182 wrote:
Here you have the article translated from the Polish TZ. This describes tactics very well, and it shows many different ideas.

Yes I already read that article from TZ Ireland some time ago, and after reading everything a got more confused lol , its like each manager has it own idea about the topic

Re: Discussing Hockey Tactics

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i generally agree with lukaszaz's assessment of things.

one little comment/amendment that I have found is when I place a fast winger in a more forward position (ie - moved up in tactic box) I had a lot more offside calls.

i really wish, and this suggestion has been made before, that we could have the "test tactic" feature in hockey. i think A LOT of managers could really benefit from doing direct comparisons.

Re: Discussing Hockey Tactics

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smiller29 wrote:

i really wish, and this suggestion has been made before, that we could have the "test tactic" feature in hockey. i think A LOT of managers could really benefit from doing direct comparisons.

Couldn't agree more, this is a must for the Crew in the next update of the site. I asked for the same thing the other day and I got this answer from aikaik (Crew) (GPA)

aikaik wrote:
Changes with the tactic editor in Hockey will be made when we port it to html5 later this year, but that is a different project :)

So maybe after years we could be lucky and see some changes soon this year :)

Re: Discussing Hockey Tactics

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Ive played hockey since season 1 and I'm still not sure there is a magic tactic that "works!" Ive tried a whole bunch of tactics against the same opposition with very little difference - generally I lose against stronger teams (i.e they have better players - more Internationals and higher value players) than me, and beat weaker teams - whichever tactic I use. Annoyingly there are still occasions where you totally outplay your opponent but lose, however it seems less frequent than previous versions of the game.
As fas as tactics go, I use my strongest players as centres and keep them in the middle of the pitch, play the wingers higher up the pitch and only use a player in a single line and one of either powerplay or boxplay - so nobody plays in more than 2 formations.
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