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MZ Hockey

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Is it still dead? Just logged back on after a month or so, thought I best had change my training etc..

Noticed the game is still so quiet!

What is the youth and u21 leagues all about? Do you have to be Club Manager to do them?
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Re: MZ Hockey

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downeseymc, no hockey hasn't stand still. In the month you been away you have missed a free official cup "Friday the 13th". There's been election for new NC. A new NT tourament were played "Face-Off Cup, Europe versus the World". Witch Europa won another free Official Cup to all managers in Europa Hockey.

Season 35 has started. Seniors start their league a bit earlier then U-18 and U-21 leagues. You don't need to be a CM to join Extra Leagues. If you join 1 you will get the other for free. See Matches -> Extra Leagues for more information.

A great update on transfer were just released, you can now show your traininggraph. That will help you to advertise your good players. All can then see the players unmaxings. It's an option so you don't have to show if you don't want to.

Hockey will continue to develop and move on to a better place. So watch out for some more news soon.
Edited: 12-08-2012 23:15
Total edits: 1

Re: MZ Hockey

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Still looks quiet empty to me!

Re: MZ Hockey

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Training graphs seem to only be for club members. All of us playing the game are divided by advantages provided only to club members, but we still play in the same leagues. If you don't mind that it isn't a level playing field, it can still be a somewhat interesting pastime, just don't expect to be competitive without throwing some of your own cash into it.

Sv: MZ Hockey

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omarthesilk, yes you are right, training graphs is a CM feature. Non CM can have a glims of it by their player with lowest ID number.

I think ManagerZone still are a fun game to play without CM feature. ManagerZone has been around for over 10 years, always for free. It don't take much time to develop your team on a weekly basis. If you want to put more energy and time into your gaming, there's an option for that aswell. If you want to start competing with the best there's several instrument for that. Both in the game and as 3rd party programs for free, and for money. You decide by yourself what level you want to compete on. There's an option for all levels.

Re: MZ Hockey

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Mr. Andersson, I agree with you that even for free the hockey game is fun. That's why I still play. But I will have to respectfully disagree with you about being able to compete to the top for free. To compete for the top requires that we pay.

By the way, if I were a CM I would ask that the training graphs be used by everyone. If you restrict it to the 10% or so who are Club Members, you have made it only 10% as effective as it could be, and you have not touched 90% of the lying about maxings that you claimed was the reason for training graphs in the first place. Training graphs could be a nice feature, but at 10% strength they are just not important nor very useful. Just something to think about.

Sv: MZ Hockey

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omarthesilk, i see your point and understand what you are saying. I agree with you that training graph should be for all managers. ManagerZone has development costs and have to get that money back in some way. We will see what happens in future, it might be for all some day.

All managers can show their training graphs when they put out a player to transfer. Non CM's can't see graphs. So you have a point in what you say.

I'm not an employee, i'm just a volunteer for ManagerZone.
Edited: 17-08-2012 07:09
Total edits: 1

Re: MZ Hockey

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Okay, thanks for your thoughts. I think we are all pulling in the same direction.

Re: MZ Hockey

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Hey Mike how are you my friend? are you still playing MZ? see u

Re: MZ Hockey

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Why don't you try getting some free tokens by watching videos, they're about 30 seconds to 1 minute long and there is nobody at your home checking you're actually sitting in front of the computer actually watching them.... though some are cool enough to watch. Anyway, I'm getting about 10 tokens a day by doing this, you'll accumulate enough tokens to get free CM in 2/3 days, I currently have accumulated around 175 tokens even though I expend a lot by signing to every cup & friendly league possible...

Re: MZ Hockey

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I forgot, you need to go to "get free tokens", select Matomy, select "videos"

Re: MZ Hockey

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bengtandersson wrote:
omarthesilk, i see your point and understand what you are saying. I agree with you that training graph should be for all managers. ManagerZone has development costs and have to get that money back in some way. We will see what happens in future, it might be for all some day.

MZ was also running fine 10 years ago when "club membership" wasn't around. Makes you wonder what proportion of CM revenue gets pumped back into the game.

MZ's biggest drawback over the past few years has to be the failure to develop a basic app for smartphones. Missing out on a massive injection of potential new players.

Sv: MZ Hockey

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crispyduck, analyzer, live and 3D haven't always been for free, there were a little cost to watch games. You had that "Gold, Silver and Bronz" packet before it become CM. You actually think a company can survive and develop for 10+ years without income?

Re: MZ Hockey

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Mr. Andersson, the features you mention that were not free were add-on features, nothing that adversely affected competitive balance. Of course every company wants to make money, but I don't think it should be done at the loss of a level playing field. Restricting the training graphs directly interrupts the transfer market and therefore our rosters. I don't mind it if there are add-on features that we may choose to buy or not. I do mind when they affect competitive balance, however.

Sv: MZ Hockey

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omarthesilk, i see your point and can understand you. You don't need traininggraphs to play ManagerZone, you can play without it. However, traininggraphs will give you that extra edge as many other things in CM.

Re: MZ Hockey

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I have never defended the point of view says 'let's make it only for Club Members or the users who pay'. However I never defended the point of view says 'Managerzone is running after money only. Look; more and more features for the users who pay for it." either.

First of all, managerzone is a company, and will spare some features for their profit. That's very normal.

In my point of view, managerzone is even more free than 8 years ago. Most of the new features since then is introduced for everybody. Only some of them for CM only.

A feature; watching your match as 3D, live or analyzer, is free to everybody, regardless if you are CM or not. I can do without many other features but I can't do without this feature. Now I can hear some of us saying 'what the heck? of course it should be free. Do we have to pay for it?". Then I invite you to go back in time, and remember that we had to pay to watch our matches in football and hockey. And only as 'live' option. No 3D.

Re: MZ Hockey

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mrblue, thanks for your thoughts. I don't see anyone seriously arguing that the game should be exclusively for club members nor that it should all be free, nor even arguing that the managerzone company is not entitled to profit.
You may have missed my point. I am distinguishing between add-on features and those that alter the competitive balance. Club members get a more dd-on features that make a more convenient and prettier game ... prettier uniforms, custom shields, more tactics, twice the shortlist, etc. I am fine with all that. None of those alter the competitive balance; we all still play the contest on equal terms even though those features are limited to club members. The competition is still fair.
But the training graphs being available to some players and not others alters the competitive balance. It effectively creates a TWO-TIER TRANSFER SYSTEM. Players with training graphs shown can draw a higher level of interest and bids. Players with no public training graph are not as desirable on the market, thus drawing less interest and lower bids. Non-club members cannot show their players' training graphs nor see anyone else's. Non-club members cannot bid intelligently in the upper tier transfer market in which training graphs are shown, nor sell their players on the upper tier.
Therefore, non-club memers are at two disadvantages in building their rosters: prohibited from SELLING players on he upper tier, and unable to participate in an informed manner in BIDDING on players in the upper tier. Since the transfer market is so fundamental to building your roster, this places non-club members at a COMPETITIVE disdvantage. A conference including both club members teams and non-club members teams is no longer played on a level playing surface because the team rosters cannot be built under the same bidding conditions and their finances cannot be based on the same selling conditions.
That explains my caution to the game's developers. I am all for giving club members a more covenient game and a prettier game. But sporting contests presume equal opportunity to build your teams. When that is lost, the game becomes fundamentally unfair.

Ce: MZ Hockey

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Non-club members cannot show their players' training rnor see anyone else's.

What I read in the news about sharing training graph of a player you sell is it is for everybody. Regardless you are a CM or not. But only CMs can see the shared graph. Is there any misunderstanding in my end?

Yes, of course it is an advantage for CMs over non-CMs to be able to see the graph if it is shown. But if you are careful enough, you can pretty minimize this disadvantage as an non-CM.

For example, I have a goalie in the transfer market right at the moment. He has 7 keeping pucks. I chose not to show his graph. What do you think about if he is maxed on keeping at 7 or not? It is pretty clear that it is maxed. Why shouldn't I show his graph if he wasn't maxed? I could make more money. Now probably I won't be able to sell him even at 1 Euro.

If a players graph isn't shown, and if his key skills in a critical skills at like 7 or 8, it gives you a very good idea if he is maxed or not. If a goalies keeping is let's say 8, and if his graph is shown and if a few CMs got already into a small bid fight, you don't have to see his graph to get a big hint that he is probably not maxed. More we look into it, with more experience, we can develeop new ways like in the examples above. At the end, even if you are CM, and if an attacker graph isn't shown when he has 8 pucks/balls in shooting, CMs also have to guess and use the same logic.

Edit mrblue74, an important typo changes the intended meaning
Edited: 25-08-2012 08:29
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