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03-06-2024 05:35
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 63
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Hockey » English » ManagerZone talk

England NC

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No candidate decided to represent England! There will be another opportunity during the next election, until then the reserve National Coach will make sure a valid tactic is used in National games.

How sad is that!
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Re: England NC

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This game is dead :(

Re: England NC

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It's not a good sign. I thought Robok212 was going to stand again. I suppose it's to late to ask crew if we can get a second chance for any candidates?

Re: England NC

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We could ask but who wants to do it? If they even let us

Re: England NC

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patrick7777 03-07-2012 14:12

Hi Yib,

I need help from a coder, but we should be able to do something.

It will take a day to fix. What I'll do is restart the Hockey election at the candidature phase again, so you (or any other lucky volunteer) can stand.



Appears I got us a second chance.

Re: England NC

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While I have no wish to run I will so as we don't get some random AI manager but I still think robok212 should reapply as a prefered choice.

If not then maybe someone else out there fancy it?

Re: England NC

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I could try it out.

Re: England NC

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In the absence of anyone interested I'll run, I've not exactly been fully active of late but it has to be better than an AI manager.

I suspect there are other people out there more apt to take it up at the moment, but everyone has just stood back assuming there would be someone with the will to do it who wanted to put themselves forward.

Re: England NC

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Hahaha...first there were none and now there are 4 contenders!

Re: England NC

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Great stuff. Just got to wait for it to reset.

I'll not bother if someone else runs for it but we really need to know who is definately running

Re: England NC

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How about we all go for it but then vote for yib? :D

Re: England NC

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Very witty matt :)

Still no sign of it being reset

Re: England NC

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Hi mates, I am sorry, but I will have not too much time to run it again, in past month I have not much time to play the game. I prefer that some one who have the time can apply. As I said I can help as NCA with players searching , I do keep good database of players.
Good luck to new candidate and sorry for not applying again.

Re: England NC

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OK doods.

Re-election is back up so I've accepted so we have at least 1 person. Preferably someone else will go aswell

Sad state of affairs really :$

Re: England NC

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I've accepted as well. God help us if I were to be elected...I know nothing about tactics! Big thanks to Yib for sorting it out the elections.

Re: England NC

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I've accepted aswell. :-) Id say Im better than ai manager atleast.. :-P

Re: England NC

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I'm worse! If there are 2 candidates I am happy to withdraw.

Re: England NC

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We've gone from none to 7 which in itself is an improvement, but I now feel morally obliged to have a go at it since I hassled crew for the second chance, so here goes:-

Established as Norfolk N Goujon Ice
Season 32
Team won Welcome Cups 32-6. 32-7
Div 4.52 Winners
Season 33
Team won Division Cup Season 33 - UK / Ireland Div2-Div4
Team came in 3 in Season 32 Cup - Season 33.
Div 3.18 Winner
Season 34
Team came in 3 in Season 32 Cup - Season 34.
Div 2.6 Winner
Currently in final of Div 2-4 cup

Thats my achievements so far which aint a lot in truth but as I decided to start a new team rather than resurrect my old one it's fairly impressive given the time span.

Previously I have reached the Seconda with Stratford Uniced but that was many moons ago. However, strange as this may sound, the sim is the same as it was 7 years ago so I havent missed that much!

No major titles to speak off apart from whats stated but all I can say is I'll give it the best shout I can with help from whoever is willing to help out.

Needless to say I dont expect the job and good luck to all applicants and may the best man win. I would be willing to help out whoever got the job if needed btw.

Cheers doods

Re: England NC

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Vote for Yib! If he can't do it, no one can!

Re: England NC

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Oh and thanks dude for getting us a second chance on the NC elections.

Re: England NC

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Well got into last stage but think this as far as I go.

agent favorite I reckon but thanks for your support guys

Re: England NC

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You still have 66% of all votes. :-P

Re: England NC

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Yours to lose now mate.

Odp: England NC

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Looks like it's over. Good luck Yib ;-)

Re: England NC

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Thanks to all who vored and I'd do me best to carry on the good work rob achieved.

Ill post again with more details when the relevant tools become available for me to do something

Cheers doods


Re: England NC

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Good luck with the NC.

At the risk of stating the obvious, U21s are up first which is the hardest starting job as its basically a fresh start for the tournament every two seasons, so you get thrown in at the deep end with scouting. Season 14 or later will be the criteria.
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