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06-06-2024 17:21
Season 90 · Week 10 · Day 66
Online: 5 747


Football » English » Open Discussion

Power Tokens Gift

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If anyone has a spare 25 tokens to gift me, I'd really like to try Youth Customisation, it would be very much appreciated, there's ridiculous prices on Australian players and I'm struggling to stay in the game!

Thank you!
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Re: Power Tokens Gift

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eplfpl wrote:
If anyone has a spare 25 tokens to gift me, I'd really like to try Youth Customisation, it would be very much appreciated, there's ridiculous prices on Australian players and I'm struggling to stay in the game!

Thank you!

You would have bigger chances of getting those 25 PTs if you would have asked to try out CM :P

I really think Youth Customisation needs to be removed(or completely reformed). I have tried it once in hockey and once in well spent! And don't think that my RA salary covers my PT needs - from time to time I purchase tokens!

Re: Power Tokens Gift

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Badge image
eplfpl wrote:
If anyone has a spare 25 tokens to gift me, I'd really like to try Youth Customisation, it would be very much appreciated, there's ridiculous prices on Australian players and I'm struggling to stay in the game!

Thank you!

Hello dear Eplfpl,

to let you just inform, you should know, that only your country mates can send powertokens to you as gift.

Best regards,

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