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Let the dust settle gang

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and let's not open another thread about Trump cause they get closed. Like for the 11th time, I told you don't say Dow and Trump on the same line. Just don't.

Old news, but why do you think the current administration (pick your country) wages war against the media and calls them the enemy of the people?

Must be a conspiracy of the kangaroos to rule the word.

Do not post on this thread, unless you agree that everything you post it's a parody and nothing should be taken serious.
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Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Let's go with parody then....

It's really funny, it's a drunk guy that looks like Trump ranting incoherently.....

Απ: Let the dust settle gang

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I have come here to chew bubblegum (1988)

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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aemi wrote:

Old news, but why do you think the current administration (pick your country) wages war against the media and calls them the enemy of the people?

It's not the mainstream media but its the fake media that have no credibility in their news reporting that ruins the media reputation as a whole. Sad but true.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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maria171 wrote:
It's not the mainstream media but its the fake media that have no credibility in their news reporting that ruins the media reputation as a whole. Sad but true.

And it took a President to tell us this??? Really!!!

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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AI FA Robot...confused!!!

Dow and Trump on same line?

wages war against the media and calls them the enemy of the people? Diversionary tactic.

everything you post it's a parody and nothing should be taken serious...only the AI FA Robot will know the truth.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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dowopado wrote:
everything you post it's a parody and nothing should be taken serious...only the AI FA Robot will know the truth.

Oops!...meant to say 'only the AI FA Robot will be confused'.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Have I heard something about Trump? :D

Ok, here we go !

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Three question
1:The political system of the United States is democracy or elite politics?
2:Will the United States return to isolationism?
3:What do you think about the refugee problem in Europe?
4:Do you like Donald Trump,and why?

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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yes6655 wrote:
Three question
1:The political system of the United States is democracy or elite politics?
2:Will the United States return to isolationism?
3:What do you think about the refugee problem in Europe?
4:Do you like Donald Trump,and why?

Just read this thread, it'll answer all those questions and more... like, is it true that fluoride is put on the water to make people dumb and vote for Trump? and more....

Απ: Let the dust settle gang

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welcome to the era of political opportunism

where you have autocratic politicians fighting for the oppressed rights of civilians and the injustice caused by the greed of the old establishment

until they win elections and become the new establishment who start oppressing and causing injustice because of their greed

until they lose elections to the previous establishment and everything starts from the beginning...

thus the great cycle of "life" can keep on going...

and you wonder why radicals/anarchists are on the rise (until they become the new establishment etc etc)'s like living in the matrix :P

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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yes6655 wrote:
Three question
1:The political system of the United States is democracy or elite politics?

2:Will the United States return to isolationism?

3:What do you think about the refugee problem in Europe?

4:Do you like Donald Trump,and why?

fun to watch, but no thanks, we have free healthcare

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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yes6655 wrote:
Three question
1:The political system of the United States is democracy or elite politics?
2:Will the United States return to isolationism?
3:What do you think about the refugee problem in Europe?
4:Do you like Donald Trump,and why?

Tune in tomorrow to any news media for answers at the grand party event (State of the Union) in the forest being hosted by Bambi(Sen. Paul Ryan) with guest speaker Thumper (guess who) whom will provide words of wisdom for all the representatives in the forest...the likely food fare for the party will be carrot juice, easter eggs and chocolate covered bunnies...but absolutely no kangaroos.

Hopefully, you will not be bored after the first 5 minutes.H

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Gary Johnson for president of Kangaroos.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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albeagle wrote:
Gary Johnson for president of Kangaroos.

At least he asked what Aleppo is, Trump would automatically assume is some sort of exotic desert and then when the interviewer explains that Aleppo is a city in Syria, Trump would insist is a desert and will call anyone telling the contrary "fake news"

Ask this one to Trump and he'll instantly say Putin while picturing in his mind Putin with a speedo.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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This is what Trump pictures in his mind when you ask him who's his favorite world leader....

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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@darkline say what you want at least Trump can sing and Hillary and the Democrats cant.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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albeagle wrote:
@darkline say what you want at least Trump can sing and Hillary and the Democrats cant.

Actually she can and roasted Trump with her song

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Απ: Let the dust settle gang

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what colour is that? "golden" yellow?


Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Maxi, he looks to me like he has cojones as in guts

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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dowopado wrote:
Tune in tomorrow to any news media for answers at the grand party event (State of the Union) in the forest being hosted by Bambi(Sen. Paul Ryan) with guest speaker Thumper (guess who) whom will provide words of wisdom for all the representatives in the forest...the likely food fare for the party will be carrot juice, easter eggs and chocolate covered bunnies...but absolutely no kangaroos.

Hopefully, you will not be bored after the first 5 minutes.H

First,I find that I made a mistake,there are four question.....

Well,it seems that all you guys dont like trump,But at least he gave us a lot of jokes,even in China:D

Nobody interested in the third question? Is there any Germany or French?

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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I was just reading about an Argentinian art gallery owner that has legally resided in the USA for 10 years that was denied entry for no reason after expending a short holiday in Argentina, this is all over the news in spanish language newspapers but I was able to find the same news in english...

What's going on here? This is seriously messed up! I mean, this is just a regular guy with a business in the USA, many properties in NY and was treated like a criminal and deported for absolutely no reason!

This is really sad and this are small news that probably fly under the radar in the USA and people don't even know about this.... no wonder NY is expecting fewer tourists

And if they keep treating people like this, soon enough there will be almost no tourism from outside the USA at all!

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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darkline wrote:

And if they keep treating people like this, soon enough there will be almost no tourism from outside the USA at all!

Trump is not capable mentally to think this could all result in millions of dollars in lost revenue in the tourism industry thus leading to lost jobs.:O

There is also this one: Tibetan women soccer team denied visas to compete in a tournament being held in Texas.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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There's another thing, Trump is not going against illegal aliens that committed crimes, he's just targeting people that contributes to the society and pays their taxes, for example this Restaurant owner in Illinois, father of 3 USA citizens that was detained....

Not sure how deporting business owners instead of providing them with some path to regularize their situation or not allowing legal residents like the gallery owner back into the Country will help keep America safe. It seems more likely that if this keeps going on, some people will be forced to close their business and the consequences for tourism are more than obvious, people don't want to go on a vacation to a Country in which the authorities are hostile towards foreigners.

Also, I'm sure illegal aliens and even legal aliens are less likely than ever to report crime. If people where reluctant to report things like gang activity in the past, just imagine now.....

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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I can't recall ever living through an era where nationalism and protectionism was the political theme. So this all seems new to me, especially with the direction of someone like Trump.

darkline wrote:
Not sure how deporting business owners instead of providing them with some path to regularize their situation or not allowing legal residents like the gallery owner back into the Country will help keep America safe. It seems more likely that if this keeps going on, some people will be forced to close their business and the consequences for tourism are more than obvious, people don't want to go on a vacation to a Country in which the authorities are hostile towards foreigners.

It appears Trump is just as ignorant as the people that voted for him...surprising since he is a tourism business person.:O

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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This is a worldwide thing. Every country has their Trump, be it Le Pen, May, Wilders etc.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Proof that Trump is not a business dude. Darkline and Dow.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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maxiromamanny wrote:

Putting a Russia twist on the ice bucket challenge? Wonder if this is one of those times where his foundation forgot to mail out the check again.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Hey, while everyone was distracted with all the other issues surrounding Trump, he signed a bill allowing mentally ill people to buy guns... if there's something America needs is more crazy people with guns :S

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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darkline wrote:
Hey, while everyone was distracted with all the other issues surrounding Trump, he signed a bill allowing mentally ill people to buy guns... if there's something America needs is more crazy people with guns :S

maxiromamanny wrote:

It looks like do again and again and again and again...etc.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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darkline wrote:
Hey, while everyone was distracted with all the other issues surrounding Trump, he signed a bill allowing mentally ill people to buy guns... if there's something America needs is more crazy people with guns :S

it's the right of EVERY American to bear arms - not just the mentally sane ones. shame on you for wanting to deny them their freedoms!
Edited: 04-03-2017 06:46
Total edits: 1

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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dowopado wrote:
It looks like do again and again and again and again...etc.

Wait, I just figured it out. That's how he gets his hair that color. Notice how it is dingy blond before but that glowing yellow color after.

BTW, my cat is a Russian agent and is working to reduce the productivity of American workers by inducing sleep deprivation. Yesterday he woke me up every two hours through the night and today I woke up at 4am for no apparent reason. Looks like he has succeeded in altering my sleep patterns. I will keep you updated as this fiendish Russian plot continues to develop. ;)

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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I just saw this photo taken a few days ago and for some reason it just made me laugh, does he think he's Tom Cruise in Top Gun or something? :D

Απ: Let the dust settle gang

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Let's make The Apprentice Great Again (tm)

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Here's all his tweet for the past two days put together, doesn't he sounds like a rambling paranoid lunatic?

The first meeting Jeff Sessions had with the Russian Amb was set up by the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs ... Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism! ... Just out: The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions visited the Obama White House 22 times, and 4 times last year alone. ... Is it legal for a sitting President to be 'wire tapping' a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW! ... I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election! ... How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy! Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving the Apprentice, he was fired by his bad (pathetic) ratings, not by me. Sad end to great show....Who was it that secretly said to Russian President, "Tell Vladimir that after the election I'll have more flexibility?" @foxandfriends.... Is it true the DNC would not allow the FBI access to check server or other equipment after learning it was hacked? Can that be possible?

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck......

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Never seen so much drama in the political arena in all areas legislative, white house, and judicial branches...regardless of republican, democrat or much division within each party and each branch...kind of seems like the chaos of the 'keystone cop' films from back '30s, 40's, or whenever I have seen.

It's like...don't wake me until the dust has settled.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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You have to give it to him though.... with his tweets he is able to take away all the focus from Jeff Sessions......

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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^i think that's the point

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Yep. Just call him the Distractor in Chief.

Oh no, there's a potential for serious policy discussion. Quick to the twitter account!

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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smiller29 wrote:
it's the right of EVERY American to bear arms - not just the mentally sane ones. shame on you for wanting to deny them their freedoms!

This! hahaha, you know you are in trouble when even the Canadians start making fun of you.

tree amigos, I love the Russian Agent Cat. Does it look like this?

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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That cat just scared everyone out of this thread :O

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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It's not so much the cat...but the remarkable resemblance to Trump...just look at the eyes...and the mouth that seems to look like the scowl that he exhibits. I am in awe plus it is pretty scary.

On a more serious note...there seems to be total chaos in the U.S. government as evident in all that is happening which I am sure pleases many people abroad, especially, Putin and N. Korea and Iran.

1. The Russia interference in the election and possible conspiracies still loom...I still think Melania is a spy. Information has came out that Mike Flynn was even contracted for 530K USD as a lobbyist to get some favors for Turkey.
2. The wikileak of CIA information...what in the hell is going on here?
3. Obama being accused of wiretapping Trump at the Trump Tower. Don't know about the wiretapping but I am sure he was under surveillance by the CIA and FBI due to the hacking information discovered to influence the election.
4. Congress is having their own little war without guns in disputing over the Health Care program...which to me in so many ways seems to have simple solutions for a viable health care system.
5. Then you have another executive order to ban muslims that seems to be identical to the one passed previously.
6. Then on top of that we continue to be blessed with the love/hate twits of our illustrious President. Duh!!!
7. Trump wants clean air and clean water but vows to deregulate the EPA regulations and cut their budget by 40%. I am a bit confused in the direction this is heading...but what do I know...I am just an ordinary citizen. I could boil my water and wear a mask.
Edited: 10-03-2017 21:08
Total edits: 1

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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dowopado wrote:
It's not so much the cat...but the remarkable resemblance to Trump...just look at the eyes...and the mouth that seems to look like the scowl that he exhibits. I am in awe plus it is pretty scary.

On a more serious note...there seems to be total chaos in the U.S. government as evident in all that is happening which I am sure pleases many people abroad, especially, Putin and N. Korea and Iran.

1. The Russia interference in the election and possible conspiracies still loom...I still think Melania is a spy. Information has came out that Mike Flynn was even contracted for 530K USD as a lobbyist to get some favors for Turkey.
2. The wikileak of CIA information...what in the hell is going on here?
3. Obama being accused of wiretapping Trump at the Trump Tower. Don't know about the wiretapping but I am sure he was under surveillance by the CIA and FBI due to the hacking information discovered to influence the election.
4. Congress is having their own little war without guns in disputing over the Health Care program...which to me in so many ways seems to have simple solutions for a viable health care system.
5. Then you have another executive order to ban muslims that seems to be identical to the one passed previously.
6. Then on top of that we continue to be blessed with the love/hate tweaks of our illustrious President. Duh!!!
7. Trump wants clean air and clean water but vows to deregulate the EPA regulations and cut their budget by 40%. I am a bit confused in the direction this is heading...but what do I know...I am just an ordinary citizen.

But Canada is that way =>

If Melania is a spy, I hope she was worth it, Auch.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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I just read an article that's really funny, this kind of confirms the education and intelligence level of some of Trump supporters or how Trump is perceived even by his supporters......

Well, do you guys know the tv series "The Man in the High Castle"? It's a pretty cool tv series about alternate history, basically the nazis won the WWII and occupied half the USA, the other half is occupied by the Japanese...

So here's the news article....

Some conservatives and Donald Trump supporters are freaking out online because there’s a new pirate station called Resistance Radio, dedicated to fighting fascism and Nazi propaganda. Only one problem: It’s fake.

Amazon announced this week that it was launching Resistance Radio as a companion program for The Man in the High Castle, an alt-history drama loosely adapted from the Philip K. Dick novel. The pre-recorded radio program is basically a bunch of people talking about how the Third Reich is bad and does bad things. For some, they thought that applied to America’s current president . In response, several irate opposers flocked to Amazon’s sponsored #ResistanceRadio hashtag to complain about the station’s “liberal agenda.”


Don't tell me it isn't funny that Trump supporters confuse a radio show that talks against a fake nazi occupation of the USA & fascism with a radio show talking against Trump :D
Edited: 10-03-2017 22:47
Total edits: 2

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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Trump supporters just walking down the street is funny to me.

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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dowopado wrote:
Trump supporters just walking down the street is funny to me.

They are just people left behind by the establishment, because the system is rigged.
They are never to blame, it's everybody else's fault, usually it's because of bad hombres, or Muslims, or Crooked Hillary, or Dow, and don't get me started on Dow.

Now lets talk about flouride

Re: Let the dust settle gang

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aemi wrote:
Now lets talk about flouride

Oh nooo..... aaaaargh.... fluoride is mutating me into a Trumper.... nooooooo....

Let me ask u somethin….do u think hilary would be a better choice..? watta bout that 500mill she made off her campiagn…or the islamic fundings she was gettin from saudia which is illegal during prez campiagn…she killed and destroyed many countries…ect ect…bro..ill take my chances with trump…last time i checked he created more jobs in 30 days then ur precious and fake obama..bro wake up
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