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1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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Hi , if you look at how modern life has snowballed from the year 1916 to 2016, it is pretty amazing, how the achievements of man have made an impact on how we live, like the motor car , and space travel , technological gadgets , you can even sit at a pc and trade insults with someone in Australia, which is right up there in remarkability, but what will the next 100 years have in stall for us , have we reached our pinnacle , does it now go backwards , with wars raging , and weather patterns taking catastrophic turns, do we still have it within ourselves to make progress technologically, or are we on a path to self destruction, is this our last century , should we be looking at starting again on another planet ,where are we heading folks ..
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Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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heddo wrote:
you can even sit at a pc and trade insults with someone in Australia, which is right up there in remarkability

You have won my heart.

I think there is going to be a new era with the space travel and AI.

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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heddo wrote:
... it is pretty amazing, how the achievements of man have made an impact on how we live, like the motor car , and space travel ...

doth my eyes deceive me?

in 1000 years the world will be unrecognizable. the technology curve is so steep right now that the differences from decade to decade are vast. another 100 years and we'll be doing things we can't even imagine now. in 1000 years - I don't even want to think about it!

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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heddo wrote:
you can even sit at a pc and trade insults with someone in Australia, which is right up there in remarkability,

omg I'm dead.

heddo wrote:
is this our last century , should we be looking at starting again on another planet ,where are we heading folks ..

I don't think we'd have the technology for it in 1000 years. Maybe in the year 3016, we might finally send a man to the moon. Who knows, only time will tell...unless time is a government fabricated commodity used to enslave us all to their system of evil.

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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Anyone ready for a steak, smash potato, green beans and dinner roll pill...or if it's morning where you about a egg, sausage and toast pill.

Απ: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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MZ sim version 8.4303 will become live, the forum will stop cursing about it's randomness and we will have world peace

in a less plausible scenario, we'll all have uploaded our brains into virtual AIs and still be flaming/cursing/blocking people in unsocial media of the age...because...we're humans and that's what we do :P

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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I tell you whats going to happen read UN agenda 21, agenda 2030.

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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so once poverty is taken care of in 14 years, what do we do for the next 986?

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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aldebaran wrote:
MZ sim version 8.4303

Heh, good one! xD

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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aldebaran wrote:
MZ sim version 8.4303 will become live

michael9599 wrote:
Heh, good one! xD

sim version 3.0 you mean

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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sorry, I got the figures wrong, it should read 2016 to 2116, with a reference to what will, can, could and should happen in the next 100 years..

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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Let me paint a picture for you. It is how it is actually going to look like. First of all forget about space aliens. That is fantasy, NASA is a fraud we talked about this. Even if space talk was real just use your brain. These other starts and planets are thousands of light miles away. It supposedly takes us a couple of years to go to Mars. How the world will look like? You will not have a world divided into different countries. The world will be one, one leader will rule it all, there will be one religion one world army. World population will be at just over three hundred million. People will be living in large cities, there will be n suburbs. There will be no freedom, and massive control over everything. You'll have driver less vehicles, no edit people. People will be chipped. In this chip they'll have all their information financial etc. Like I said read UN agenda 21 and agenda 2030 its their goal for the future.

Everything that is going on today in the world is leading to that. You have climate change hoax which is pushed to tax us. They will tax us on how much miles we'll be driving. At first it will be a small tax, which will keep growing until people will not be able to afford to drive long distances. This will force people to live close to where they work which will create these large cities which I mentioned.

You have the terrorism hoax which is pushing fear and ultimately us giving more and more of our freedoms to government.

You got all this forced migration and refugee crisis which is engineered which will wipe out the edit race. In the US edit Americans will become a minority. Same will happen in Europe until they seize to exist. Being edit is a crime these days.

You got the European Union which is the beginning of the one world government.

Anyway folks in the end is all about absolute control. IF you cant see it now you will when its to late. Take care not peace.

edit - racial bias - smiller29
Edited: 02-10-2016 05:35
Total edits: 2

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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We'll have maglevs, so there won't be any reason to tax us for driving around

As for driverless vehicles, i'm all in favour. The less stupid drivers around, the happier and safer i'd feel

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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aldebaran you must love fluoride and gmos, you sound like you been Injesting loads. Hows life in Greece? It will only get worse buddy.

Απ: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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gmos you say?

hmm.... i wonder if that has to do something with me having spent 5 years at uni studying agricultural biotechnology

I also love people with a sense of humor :)

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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aldebaran wrote:
I also love people with a sense of humor :)

We must get along really well then.

I really hope kangaroos won't go extinct in the next 100 years, so I can keep making fun of Aussies and their pets.

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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you Canadian edit , this thread isn't for you to parade around in your underwear ,hoping that dumbass aussies will notice you, and pick you up, it is about the collapse of centuries old infrastuctures , and the impact that it is about to have on us all, yeah Canada exists on its own, and is exempt from any of the above, that is why you are a bunch of bi sexual tashy faced identity crisised attention seeking edit , unable to grasp any topic but , hey everybody look at me , and oh isn't everything big in Canada , you edithead..

edit - swearing and obscene language - smiller29
Edited: 14-10-2016 05:41
Total edits: 1

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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heddo wrote:
this thread isn't for you to parade around in your underwear

This is where you are mistaken... I can't find my underwear... hahaha

Chill dude, we can discuss this further over a beer maybe? I didn't mean to upset you, I am just not good at predictions, especially for the next 100 years. Plus I can't say anything bad about you, cause you just called aussies dumbasses... lmao

I predict I will have poutine for lunch. Maybe some tim bits too, while contemplating my next kangaroo joke.

nothing to edit, he's Canadian - smiller29

Edited: Today 12:39
Total edits: 1

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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Change is the only thing constant
In a world where most idiots hold the key to our nuclear bombs and a place where most people in power fail to use it I just hope we make it without losing a continent.

Re: 1916 to 2016 - 2016 to 3016 what will happen

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aemi wrote:
I predict I will have poutine for lunch. Maybe some tim bits too, while contemplating my next kangaroo joke.

eff it, I only had a salad. Pff.
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