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Thinker episode 1

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The game i think to have some:
-more free cups
-wheather to be introduce on the simulator(rainny, snow and others...seasons, depends on the continent)
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Re: Thinker episode 1

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its a pay to play game, don't count on the free cups.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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Interesting point, interesting choice of forums, interesting use of the English language, interesting optimism on free anything but yeah damn, i was hoping Thinker was some new paranormal HBO show with boobies and aliens and what have you, not some MZ related bollocks.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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I would cast Alan Rickman as the ghost of Philip Seymour Hoffman, who could help the "Thinker" solve the crime each week, where as for the lead role, perhaps Alexander Skaarsgard could do a bang up job as an intrepid washed up detective, or perhaps an investigative journalist on his last warning.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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I would be careful not to overuse saxophones in the intro music too as it would come across too 80/90's ish NYPD Blue-like, but could certainly have clips from the upcoming season of Skaarsgard running down villains and laughing with the ghost of Phillip Seymour Hoffman in an office setting before freezeframing while it puts the actors names up.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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And Danny Glover as his boss which would be either the editor or captain who has a calm tone to his voice except when dealing with Skaarsgard and his shenanigans.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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@grinner, you got it all figured out huh? Not funny tho

Re: Thinker episode 1

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yeah sorry i didnt mean to offend the USA's love affair with TJ Hooker by way of mockery.

plus you know youd watch it :p

Re: Thinker episode 1

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Looks like someone's done their homework ;)

Re: Thinker episode 1

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Sorry to disappoint but the first episode of Thinker, which was first due to air in July of 2018, has now been cancelled due to poor rating forecasts. The ghost of Hoffman was NOT ever part of our plans, where these rumors come from I really don't know.

The good news though is that due to the cancellation of the drama show, we've decided to put all of our efforts into ManagerZone yet again.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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Ha HA HA Yup episode 2 is commin' crazy &&&&&& $$$$$... Dont hate, enjoy the game and if u are bored write here hahahaha

edited swearing...dowopado
Edited: 27-05-2015 17:22
Total edits: 1

Re: Thinker episode 1

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Why would you hamper such a perfect vehicle for a fellow Sverge legend? the mind boggles, although to be fair we hadnt revealed who the Thinker's nemesis would be yet, so maybe ratings forecast would look better then, or perhaps if they wore little red hats. The forecasts i mean not Skaarsgard and Hoffman Ghost, as that would be silly.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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Does Glover play the sceptical boss, second guessing Skaarsgard's decisions and suspects - almost protecting them - the clichéd stand off in case he/she sues? God, I hate those. Also is the ghost of Hoffman visible to all? does he exist? or does it become clear it is in fact the detective's doppelganger - the angel version - a more orthodox, law-abiding character, with a measured train of thought, clever, and very perceptive... an underlying side to Skaarsgard rarely seen in the flesh. Regarding nemesis, why not a big over the hill actor to save the show, lure em in, somebody who'd sign their name to anything... Bruce Willis for instance? he'll take anything these days, other than a good script. He also has previous with Rickman, roles reversed in a sense, but not to be confused with the Nakatomi Plaza incident. I like it, definitely has/had potential. Such a shame.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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Plot and characters briefly outlined, I struggle to see why this never made it to pilot, at the very least. After being shown the whole detective/nemesis feuding history, and how the savvy old dog seems to always get the better the troubled detective - drink/drugs the major hindrance. It's the perfect time for the opening episode to have a statutory cliff-hanger ending. Skaarsgard knocks back another whisky, and can be seen staring determined out his flat window, then the scene cuts to Willis' (if cast) whose current devious agenda becomes apparent. The camera pans to his lair - a rural lab, not too far from the main setting, but hidden enough - inside complex machines can be heard, what are they piecing together? Something unholy? Viewers intrigued. Absolute winner.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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if you can't get Willis, you know the Samuel L. Jackson is available for anything.

I can't believe you two are actually on the same page here.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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Glover give Skaarsgard such a hard time as he knows he is living below his early career potential, as well knowing its the tough love a character like him needs to produce the results he does week in and week out. Clearly he suspects something special about his former prodigy, but would never guess it was in actuality the ghost of PSH that was his secret to his success.
The CGI involved in recreating the ghost of PSH would be one of the real stars of the show as he can appear on talk shows and live signings using the same tech they used for tupac.
I dont like the idea of Bruce Willis as a bad guy, that never plays out well, he is far too typecast, but with such intellectuals as TGoPSH already in the show he will need to be a seriously mentally unhinged former associate of Skarsgaard who has fallen on hard times, and experienced some horrific trauma due to Skarsgaards unexplained abilities to solve cases. perhaps he knows or can see the Ghost too, and his plot is to try and eradicate him, thus removing the Thinkers special power, and giving him the ability to finally supersede him. As a mini side plot for a couple of episodes he could perhaps summon his own ghost (im thinking Bea Arthur) and gain the upper hand before he it is ultimately vanquished.
I like the final scene for the first episode, a 2 parter will inspire fans to raise thier voices in the hope of closure.

i also dont understand why this is not making it to pilot....

Re: Thinker episode 1

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Yeah, my thoughts exactly, a one off double bill that introduces main characters to audience, but also gives direction by teasing the opening case. The subsequent episodes can all follow the initially planned format - each one wrapped up, or perhaps on rare occasions unsolved, we wouldn't want it to be predictable, that'd just be silly. Also, what's with the CGI version of Hoffman? I liked the idea of Rickman, seems in amongst all the excitement and brainstorming some confusion has arose... no matter.

Regarding the nemesis, I see where you're going now, more of a rival as opposed to the WMD wielding, homicidal villain I was imagining. The sound of complex machinery still works well in episode 1 though, pairing nicely with your Bea Arthur concept - he's piecing together something capable of the dark arts, his very own summoning device... of course. The ghost of Hoffman being the integral part, the super-entity that makes it all possible. All the while Skarsgaard is hard on a case. The thinker's help, pivotal. Does nemesis capture PSH and cripple the detective's lead? or does PSH catch wind of the meddling plan and masterfully set up the nemesis as part of their current case, essentially causing nemesis to be suspended indefinitely, or maybe imprisoned, with appearances from him to follow within the series through escape, release, etc.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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If not Willis (and instead going with the rival approach) I'd be inclined to cast Michael Sheen... a weedy, sly lookin little chap, with a face you wouldn't mind seeing hit, and who the viewers would irritable and easy to side against.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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Hmm interesting twist for season 2, as we introduce the Ghost of Alan Rickman onto the cast to replace the Ghost of Philip Seymour Hoffmann who was exorcised in the final episode of last season, leaving viewers astonished at the loss of such a pivotal character but with no idea what fate had in store in regards to other character switches. Of course it leaves the door open for a new main character, so im thinking Jamie Foxx as he can cut the serious intelligent stuff as well break for humour. Maybe he is a returned vet with PTSD who isnt sure TGoAR even exists outside of his head until he solves more and more crimes with his help, while TGoAR is using Fozz as a crutch to come to terms with his new surroundings and abailities. I imagine the recently ghosting of Alan Rickman could lead to a bonding of mutual insecurity in an ever changing world/netherworld.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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grinner wrote:
Hmm interesting twist for season 2, as we introduce the Ghost of Alan Rickman onto the cast to replace the Ghost of Philip Seymour Hoffmann who was exorcised in the final episode of last season, leaving viewers astonished at the loss of such a pivotal character but with no idea what fate had in store in regards to other character switches. Of course it leaves the door open for a new main character, so im thinking Jamie Foxx as he can cut the serious intelligent stuff as well break for humour. Maybe he is a returned vet with PTSD who isnt sure TGoAR even exists outside of his head until he solves more and more crimes with his help, while TGoAR is using Fozz as a crutch to come to terms with his new surroundings and abailities. I imagine the recently ghosting of Alan Rickman could lead to a bonding of mutual insecurity in an ever changing world/netherworld.

Hmmm... This is turning into your run of the mill Netflix show. But I like how you put 9 months of THINKING into that idea.

Re: Thinker episode 1

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lolz! what did ya think id been doing, getting on with my life or something???? :p

Re: Thinker episode 1

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Here's something I've been thinking about lately: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Not much, surely?

Re: Thinker episode 1

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powdersnow wrote:
Here's something I've been thinking about lately: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Not much, surely?

certainly not enough to comment on
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