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08-06-2024 20:35
Season 90 · Week 10 · Day 68
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play intelligence

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Hello. How much do you care about this skill? Especially when buying players.
I think this skill is underrated because it boost the other skills too.
But i want some opinions of the experienced managers.
Is it not worth training it because it takes more time?
In which situations you would prefer to have players with more play intelligence?
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Re: play intelligence

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It's not underrated. Most top managers do care about it and will always aim for players with high play intelligence.

It's a key skill, unless you're only playing on a low division with bots or U18 and U21 matches wherein most players don't have high play intelligence.

Re: play intelligence

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I agree with Douglas.

Personally, I prioritise play intelligence for goalkeepers (a must) and heading strikers, but for my first senior team I intend for everyone to have seven or more.

What is true is that it is not chronologically the first skill to train players. Except for goalkeepers I do not start with play intelligence until they are 20/21 (maybe 19, plus training camp).

Re: play intelligence

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I think good time to start training Play Intelligence is when the player slows down training other important skills. Play Intelligence doesn't slow down same way the other skills does and when other skills are slower to train than Play Intelligence you should start training on it. Ofc there is competitions that people play and they need Play Intelligence earlier so they train it but to get everything out of players in long run I think this is the way to go.

Re: play intelligence

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Most important skill for all defenders and midfielders. Not as important for wingers and strikers in my experience but still important. Players with high potential in player intelligence or 9+ are worth the most on the market

Re: play intelligence

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@chucky06 said "Most important skill for all defenders and midfielders."
How you the other users comment on this?

Re: play intelligence

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Very important for strikers too. The manual states that it's very necessary for 'attacking and defending'

Re: play intelligence

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I am on board with chucky! With the exception that it is also important for strikers 9-10 play int. combo with heading could make a hell of a striker!

Re: play intelligence

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evosa wrote:
I am on board with chucky! With the exception that it is also important for strikers 9-10 play int. combo with heading could make a hell of a striker!

I’ve just noticed with wingers and strikers an increase in player intelligence results in more passing the ball and a lot of the time early.

A winger you just want to charge yo the corner and cross and a striker you want to just take the keeper on not back pass. Maybe just some of my own experiences though that’s why 100% most important for defenders and midfielders. Important for other positions too of course but not to the same degree in my mind

Re: play intelligence

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chucky06 wrote:
I’ve just noticed with wingers and strikers an increase in player intelligence results in more passing the ball and a lot of the time early.

A winger you just want to charge yo the corner and cross and a striker you want to just take the keeper on not back pass. Maybe just some of my own experiences though that’s why 100% most important for defenders and midfielders. Important for other positions too of course but not to the same degree in my mind


I think PI shows itself by passing to the right player. If a winger passes backwards to the AM or CM whilst you would have wanted him to shoot to the ST, I think this is due to PI. Which results in a missed opportunity.

Low PI also results into more cards if you play aggressive.

Re: play intelligence

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i would say PI is one of the skills you should not cheap out on. I think it is like EXP, it
boost the player alot

Re: play intelligence

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chucky06 wrote:
I’ve just noticed with wingers and strikers an increase in player intelligence results in more passing the ball and a lot of the time early.

A winger you just want to charge yo the corner and cross and a striker you want to just take the keeper on not back pass. Maybe just some of my own experiences though that’s why 100% most important for defenders and midfielders. Important for other positions too of course but not to the same degree in my mind

A question about wingers. For example, would you prefer a winger with 10 in speed, stamina, ball control and aerial passing, but 4 in PI, or 9 in speed, stamina, ball control, aerial passing and PI, assuming, that exp and age are similar?

Re: play intelligence

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I’d never have a 9 AP winger. Too important to cheap out on and there’s enough 10’s around.

Re: play intelligence

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chucky06 wrote:
I’d never have a 9 AP winger. Too important to cheap out on and there’s enough 10’s around.

The question was clearly about PI (as is the topic of the thread), comparing hypothetical players

Re: play intelligence

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viedras20 wrote:
The question was clearly about PI (as is the topic of the thread), comparing hypothetical players

But you said 9 AP. The difference between 9 and 10 is a lot so I wouldn’t sacrifice it.

If it was all mentioned and 10 AP and the rest 9’s I’d definitely take player B

Re: play intelligence

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I read all the above and I have some comparing for thinking and clear in our mind

8sp 8st 10hea 8sh 8bc 6PI
7sp 8st 10hea 9sh 7bc 9PI

9sp 8st 10ap 6p 9bc 6PI
9sp 8st 10ap 8p 7bc 9PI

9sp 8st 10tc 7bc 7PI
9sp 8st 10tc 6bc 9PI

Re: play intelligence

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emperorcy wrote:
I read all the above and I have some comparing for thinking and clear in our mind

8sp 8st 10hea 8sh 8bc 6PI
7sp 8st 10hea 9sh 7bc 9PI

9sp 8st 10ap 6p 9bc 6PI
9sp 8st 10ap 8p 7bc 9PI

9sp 8st 10tc 7bc 7PI
9sp 8st 10tc 6bc 9PI

Player two is better in all the above

Re: play intelligence

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When I used to play this game more serious play inteligence was the most important skill. 8-9 is the minimum. Usually each of them would have 9, maybe 1-2 in the team with 8. Some 10. Then Speed and Stamina.

I think inteligence is important for the winger too, if he has a low inteligence he won't be keeping his position well and passes from his mates may not get to him. But this is only my theory same as I think striker needs it too.
If you have a low inteligence striker with 10 heading he won't have too many headers as high inteligence defender will win the tackle.

But in all fairness, this talk means nothing sometimes, when sim is making crazy results, so we can show we are smart here, and then it's up to the sim, the crazy results made me not buy a team since many seasons, just collecting money and playing with my own players.

When I used to watch 3D I won't forget situations when 7/6 speed/stamina and 6 inteligence player was catching up my player who was 10/9 speed stamina and 8 inteligence ( i know because i was the NCA and could see his skills ;]).

Re: play intelligence

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lukaszsz182 wrote:
But in all fairness, this talk means nothing sometimes, when sim is making crazy results, so we can show we are smart here, and then it's up to the sim

Couldn't agree more. Most of the talking about skills is more or less speculative.

Re: play intelligence

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viedras20 wrote:
Couldn't agree more. Most of the talking about skills is more or less speculative.

I think it is important to know that the sim has variance in its programming when you look at your results.
"Variance is a statistical measure that shows how the short-term may deviate from the expected long-term average."

This means you can play 10 games a week, Even with 90 % winrate you should win 9 and loose 1 game a week,
This doesnt meant you cant loose 10 in a row, (even thou the statistic chance would be around 0.0000001)
and some times you would win 10/10

worth to mention that most of the time your winrate is way lower then you think . If you take a look on the top series i would say no team have more then 65% win chance vs any other team (unless they sold out). So variance ("luck) will always have a big impact in the short term.

Re: play intelligence

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swaan1 wrote:
I think it is important to know that the sim has variance in its programming when you look at your results.
"Variance is a statistical measure that shows how the short-term may deviate from the expected long-term average."

This means you can play 10 games a week, Even with 90 % winrate you should win 9 and loose 1 game a week,
This doesnt meant you cant loose 10 in a row, (even thou the statistic chance would be around 0.0000001)
and some times you would win 10/10

worth to mention that most of the time your winrate is way lower then you think . If you take a look on the top series i would say no team have more then 65% win chance vs any other team (unless they sold out). So variance ("luck) will always have a big impact in the short term.

Yeh, when you get to the top teams are so close and on paper not much between them so luck is a huge factor.

I play in a series of U23 FL’s (different to league) with the best U23 teams in the world. In six leagues I won one, came third, fourth, 6th twice and 9th against all the same teams. It just highlight how much luck is involved no matter player make up when it gets tight

Re: play intelligence

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i see chinese trainers care more for stamina and speed,
BUT latam trainers care more for inteligence

Sv: play intelligence

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Given the the importance of PI, how would u rate these up against each other? Naldo obviously has more PI but a little less BC and spd. Which one is best as a senior DM? I think maybe naldo had low BC for dm/midfield and maybe too low speed for defence. Thoughts?

Re: play intelligence

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Neither are great as a senior DM with only 6 experience but imo Vala is better as a DM but you wouldnt wabt too many players with 7 speed

Sv: play intelligence

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chucky06 wrote:
Neither are great as a senior DM with only 6 experience but imo Vala is better as a DM but you wouldnt wabt too many players with 7 speed

Regarding experience, they will obviously mature into the role 🙂 I would play an 8+ spd DM next to Vala. I am debating wether or not to sell Naldo to an u21 team or train him for my senior team.
Looks like this at the moment, but garanteed to look he does above.

Naldo Valladares

Age: 28

Odp: play intelligence

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I think that all skills must work together, first I pay attention to the main skills, but without the play inteligence of seven balls, I don't really take a player. Although I have very little money for transfers so that's different.

Re: play intelligence

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PI is one of the underrated skills in lower divisions in my experience. Most of the time there is a trade-off for beginners, but when you set up an experienced team I would prefer a high PI player in most cases regardless of his position.
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