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08-06-2024 22:49
Season 90 · Week 10 · Day 68
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Football » English » ManagerZone talk

Managed teams?

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So... I’ve been playing MZ on and off for about ~17 years which means that I’ve already have 5 teams, of course there the ones that have been managing the same team for long time, probably a decade, but I have the feeling I’m not alone in the number of teams managedOr the one with the most teams

Is that the general experience? How long you’ve been playing?
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Re: Managed teams?

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Same team since 2007

Re: Managed teams?

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Thats awesome man, every time I’ve started a new team I convinced myself that this is the one I’m taking all the way to the MLS, but fall short

Re: Managed teams?

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Same team since 2006 😁 , so any previous team that anyone might remember?

Re: Managed teams?

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well, probably not... let's see

Westboro Chivas - Early 2003; my most successful team, I took it from div 6 (back when it had real human players) to div 1, even got two lines in The Zone as one of the teams to watch; that was fun

Mos Eisley - I played that from season 35 to 48 started in div 4 and took it to div 2

Hera Browncoats - only 4 seasons from 50 to 53, champion in division 4 (like many now) and then two more seasons in div 3

Dunedain - From season 67 to 71, reached div 2 then change the name to Mad Hatters trying to regain enthusiasm, which of course didn't work

and now starting with Quarantine F.C., this time I'm trying to take slow and just go little by little and got a fun name too

I remember Los Buitres, actually before MZ had this new fancy Friendlies system, you and I used to send us friendlies, it was great to know somebody that wouldn't let me with a missing home match 😃

Re: Managed teams?

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Hey, Welcome back. I remember Mos Eisley and the Hera Browncoats. I think we used to cross paths in either the leagues or cups.

Re: Managed teams?

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Thanks tree_amigos, it’s great to be back, and you’re right, I also remember we crossed paths at some point, looking forward to have a match again 👍

Re: Managed teams?

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I've been playing on and off since 2009. Before managing the Black Knights I managed Hawks Football Club. I don't remember what my starter team was called but I believe it was in 2009. Think I bankrupted it, not too sure..

Re: Managed teams?

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That’s cool wesleyferraz4, I know the names of my previous teams just because I’m annoyingly methodical and keep lots of records, and that has been my demise in the past, I end up converting MZ in a chore and then I stop playing, hope this time I can control myself 😉

Ant: Managed teams?

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Welcome back!

I am playing with this team since october 2003. It is my second team, with my first I only played a few months.

Re: Managed teams?

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I have been playing MZ since 2014, still new I guess. xD
But during these time, I'm not fully active even until today. This is mainly because of my work commitment and my gaming burnout symptom which I'm still trying to get rid of it. There are times when I feel so passionate to play video games but at the end, I keep myself busy purposely doing other works. lol

Re: Managed teams?

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I am playing with this since jan 2010, I back 06/20. 😎

Re: Managed teams?

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Welcome back brazil_12, how many teams have you managed? is this one just your second?

Re: Managed teams?

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I’ve been in and out too. Started in season 29, had a few different team names. Maybe Thousand Oaks FC? Moorpark FC? I do remember Mos Eisley though!

Re: Managed teams?

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I believe I remember Thousand Oaks; also good to know there are a few of us that just can't stay away of this game

Re: Managed teams?

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I started to play in 2006 and like you I had some teams, I think were 4.
Honestly, I never was a good manager hahaha I hope to change this..

Re: Managed teams?

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LOL yeah, I consider my self as “barely average” manager but I’m hooked to this game (despite the lack of recent updates) and that’s the reason I keep coming back (despite the lack of result on my teams)
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