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28-05-2024 22:48
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 57
Online: 6 617


Football » English » ManagerZone talk

Wing tactics =] game spoiler.

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We are thousands of players fed up with the advantage of wings tactics as goal opportunities is concerned. Moreover, the game does not allow to change tactics in the case the other team is using wings. Why not incorporate that alternative? It is minor possible change that will give some leverage to those of us who prefer short passing style instead. Thanks.
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Re: Wing tactics =] game spoiler.

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If you can't beat them join them lol. Or build a better short passing team.

My win percentages are definitely higher playing wings with strikers that have even 5 balls in heading. But it's too monotonous and the passing accuracy sacrifice isn't worth it because against stronger teams they will kill you if instead of finding your winger you keep giving them the ball.

Re: Wing tactics =] game spoiler.

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What skills should a winger have if 1 was to use/train them?

Re: Wing tactics =] game spoiler.

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How good the winger is should depend on your division, but very generally a winger needs to have high AP, BC, PI, SP and ST.

The misconception people have though is to play a wing tactic you only need a good winger and a striker with heading. The whole team needs to have different attributes than a short passing team.
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