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08-06-2024 17:54
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Idea: Youth Potential Analysis (looking for your opinions)

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I'm here bringing you an idea... and ask for your feedback and suggestions in return!

Developing Youths today is heavy-handed and you are often operating in complete darkness. Wouldn't it be much more fun if you as a manager would have more insight into which of your players could actually turn out to be stars? This would reward highly active managers whilst making the Youth Exchange an even more exciting part of the game. It would save you the headache of spending lots of cash on players who turn out to be useless, and you would uncover gems much more often.

This feature would be launched in both the football and the hockey game. This thread show how it would work in football: it would work in a similar way for the hockey game.

No final decisions have been made yet, so you have ample opportunity to influence the functionality.

Have a look:

This image is merely a first idea of what the feature might look like, so please don't kill me on the design (just yet). :)

Since this is a powerful feature, we plan on offering this to all users, unlimited and for free. Club Members do not get a benefit. (It will however cost Team Money.)

Know that we intend for this to make MZ more fun for those of you who like to play the long game and are prepared to put down the time and effort to develop your academy. What it should NOT be is an aid that lets you develop your academy without doing any legwork. So for those reasons this should be a light and slim feature without a lot of heavy components.

How it works
As you can see, the basic idea is to let you know what the player will be good at and what he won't be good at. This feature is not to be confused with the current scout reports. In fact it is vastly different. Not only will it let you know up front about the talents in some key skills, it will also give you a rough idea on the future overall skills in various areas.

The overall areas are:
Attack: Ball Control, Shooting
Defence: Tackling, Heading
Physical: Speed, Stamina
Playmaker: Passing, Aerial passing, Play intelligence
Goalkeeping: Keeping

5 stars on an area would mean that the player can reach high ball counts in these skills. This will allow you to know that the player will be really good, but you don't yet know whether he is a truly rare talent or not. For math geeks: there will be a randomizer that allows an overlap between the different star ratings, we don't want the function to be too predictable, and no scout in the world can give exact 100% exact projections.

The report will also let you know how fast the player will be able to train.

We don't want to kill the mystery in the game. "Very high potential" could be a 9 or 10, but you don't know which one. When skills are listed as key strengths but with no indication to the extent of the potential... then you don't know. They are his main strengths, but they could be 10s or they could be 7s, that is for you to find out. Same goes for the player's weaknesses.

However, taking into account the overall potential of the player AND his key strengths should give you a good indication as to whether the player is any good or not. Combine that with a good understanding of the transfer market and the simulator, and you as a manager has got an excellent tool for generating your own success.

How and when to use it
You can do an analysis before trading in a new player through the Youth Exchange, but you can also get the report on any other Youth player already in your team. The cost is the same.

To get the balance right, the Analysis should and will cost Team Money. As to how much -- what is your opinion? We believe that it shouldn't be too cheap.

Once you have paid for an Analysis, it is yours to keep. You will always be able to access it, even when the player is old and grey.

On the transfer market we would let you decide whether or not to show an Analysis, just like with the training graphs.

Some questions for you to think about
- What do you think of the idea in general? Is it needed? Will it disrupt the balance of the game or add a fun element?
- Is the idea in it's current state too powerful? Not powerful enough? What do you think? Please give me the reasons for your answer.
- How can the current idea as outlined above be improved?
- How much (team money) do you think the feature should cost to get the balance right? Do you think there should be a limit on how many Analyses' you can buy per season?
- Anything else, let us hear it! We are open to suggestions.

I would like to ask you to keep answers and ideas focussed on this feature. Posts that stray too far off topic may be removed.

Let's talk :)
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Re: Idea: Youth Potential Analysis (looking for your opinions)

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franella82 wrote:
Senior level starts at 24, and really often you cant use a good skilled player until 27 years. I dont saying that a player needs to reach 9 balls in experience at 21 but neither at 27.

I agree

Re: Idea: Youth Potential Analysis (looking for your opinions)

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Not really.
This thread was kept to talk about the implications of the training analysis feature.
Better youths means better U21 players id est even higher salaries for U20 players.

We still have versions 2 and version 3 to talk about the actual feature and how we see it.

Re: Idea: Youth Potential Analysis (looking for your opinions)

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goalsaurus wrote:
I said that if we had all our youths with higher ball level, they wouldn't need TC starting the age of 22.
The teams playing in your league are sending their ones to TC? If yes, they will probably need TC anyway.

As you can see, he still has a sufficent skill level and reaching for experience 8 at the age of 23.
At the age of 24 he will be at experience 9 and +60 balls.

And is this so bad? :O

My decision was based on 4 early maxings, not on experience level.

Re: Idea: Youth Potential Analysis (looking for your opinions)

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mwosle wrote:

+ It's a great advantage for new managers imo.

If they would start with 23 16-year olds. They would've to train them for +/- 8 seasons (2 years in real life) until those youths would be good enough for their team. They would probably still lack experience.

With a higher amount of balls to start with, those players would be competitive a lot faster? Therefore new managers would be introduced to the game a lot faster and probably less managers would quit soon after starting with MZ.


Re: Idea: Youth Potential Analysis (looking for your opinions)

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hypnosis wrote:
I agree

Me too.

Re: Idea: Youth Potential Analysis (looking for your opinions)

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mihairo wrote:
Nobody here dislikes the game.
The problem is that most of the legendary members are nostalgic.
Ten years ago it was much simpler and the players were very weak. But we had fun.
The problem is that now it's not more complicated, it's just easier.
Back in the days our only problem were the finances. Many went bankrupt. We had very low income, no youth leagues, no World Leagues.
Unfortunately now we have too many cheap superplayers. I see no fun in that. But maybe some of us do, I don't know.
There is still an issue in. MZ. Not like in the old days, it's easier to grow youths, sell them and buy superplayers. The big problem is that a top player is 2-3 mil and a telented U19 is the same or less.
I saw top players sold for 14 mil, so IMO we're heading in the right direction.
What we lost on the way - the managerial quality to keep a player fit. In the old days all the players deteriorate on all the skills without proper training. Now I see good players bought for less than 300k and not even trained, then sold for 500k because of the inflation.
Maybe MZ shouldn't be 100% real. U23 leagues are definitely needed here.
Also, I don't know if it's right that some players reach their peak at 30, while others at 23 just by luck.
It should be a managerial ability.
How many of you heard of Halilovic? When he was 16, Barcelona thought he will be the next Messi. That didn't happen. So, we should take that into consideration.
It's too easy now to see into the player's future.

mihairo wrote:
There is another thing I want to make clear.
In RL there are no U23 leagues because the top teams have a second team, like Barcelona B or Bayern II. They are kind of like the same thing, but playing in the senior championship, without possibly of promoting in the Top League.
Maybe MZ is more realistic from this point of view. We can't have a manager competing in the championship with two teams.
I don't really have a problem with training speed if the youths would be better to start with.
Currently youths start with +8 balls, most of them are at 12-14 balls. Why not start with +20 balls? Train them to 45-50 balls by the time they finish the Youth period.
That would make them better at the age of 21, at 60-65 balls, and at around 70 balls at the age of 23.
Then they wouldn't need any more TCs, just experience. Problem solved.

mihairo wrote:
And last thing, because I don't want to spam the topic. I said what I had to say and you can ask me anything from now on, but I will limit myself to answering if necessary. I hope my opinions helped.
We need more reserves. I wrote about it on many occasions.
It would help the experience skill.
Currently we have 5 reserves: one keeper, one defender, one midfielder, one forward and one joker.
With all the supertslents in MZ, it's impossible to have a reserve joker, capable of playing all the 3 positions. If he is capable, he wouldn't be benched.
So, my suggestion is this: we need 7 reserves. 1 keeper, 3 DMF substitutes and 3 DMF reserves.
The reserves would be helpful for e.g. only in a Red card situation, when you might need a second Defender, or when your team is losing the game, when you might need a second forward to try to tie the game.
Or, who knows, maybe you want a faster experience for a future star, who can't actually play, but you are certain of his qualities.

Very interesting what you said, made me think a little, I hope the crew think about it too

Re: Idea: Youth Potential Analysis (looking for your opinions)

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mihairo wrote:
What I also said is that we need more reserves in a team.
7 is better than 5, as we currently have.
This way we can have 18, instead of 16, gaining experience faster.
I even came with a solution.
1K + 3 DMF substitutions + 3 DMF reserves.
This way, we can have 3 DMF reserves at the age of U24, like the player I posted.
With this possibility, he would have been reaching for experience 9 at the age of 23.


Ri: Idea: Youth Potential Analysis (looking for your opinions)

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What I also said is that we need more reserves in a team.
7 is better than 5, as we currently have.

This idea comes out every now and then in the Italian forum since forever. I cannot remember anybody disagreeing with it (me included).
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